18 / 241
Dec 2015

Like @Chopythes, I'm from Sweden! A little bit farther north than she is, though.

I live in a teeny-tiny village out in the sticks.

I'm from South-west Finland, pretty far from everything. 50 km to the nearest actual city, whoo!

Good ole Kansas in the US. Nothing like living in the middle of nowhere to inspire your comics to go everywhere, am I right?

Polando, nobody likes Poland...
Everybody are running away from Polando XD

High-five for Poland, but I really like my country cx
And I hear all the time in media that young people want to run away from here and live abroad, but I haven't met anyone irl who would actually say so. It's not that bad here c;

I want to run away cos there's no job for me here, besides my bf is from abroad so nothing to do here flies away
And comic creators are more welcomed abroad xD
You have to admit, if you do comics in Polish not much success you will achieve xD
Even fellow Meago is succesfull abroad ovo/

PS: I'm not saying it's bad here, there's just nothing to keep me here and abroad I have more possibilities ^^

I'm from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 (For those who don't know, it's an island in the Caribbean)
Right in the rural forest-y bits at least! \:U/

Though I'm going to start making arrangements to move out, sadly.