9 / 99
Nov 2022

It's fine. Elon is getting rid of the dead weight and will have to restructure. This is normal.

He is determined to make it as difficult as possible, yeah. I don't think he's going to have very much good will from any new employees moving forward, and as long as he's in charge it just won't be a very functional twitter. Personally, I'm just gonna stop using it as much until I see some hope over there. Like today it was so freakin slow it wouldn't load images. Goodbye hellsite.

Or better yet, he could have just sat down at the nearby park to watch the birds Twitter for no charge and is probably better for your mental health than the site!

This whole situation feels like something out of South Park. I sort of hope the whole thing caves in. Elon is a narcissist who couldn't find a healthy way to deal with his family issues. Should have just taken a vacation or bought a puppy like normal people. No wonder his daughter disowned him, psycho bastard.

by being both egotistical and also a massive idiot who and didn't listen to his experienced programmers and treated them so terribly that they jump ship :v
It's not the first time this happened either. The guy's been fired most of his previous high positions and has some truly numbskull tech related-ideas that his stans just eat up.
I left the moment he bought because why would I look at ads for that guy?

i just wish folks would spare a lil empathy for ppl who rely primarily on twitter for advertising and income coz yes it's good to have eggs in more than one basket but your not guaranteed the same lvl of success across platforms and for some twitter was their place

literally the only reason why i wont budge is coz it's been my main place for gaining commissions and the easiest to network on meanwhile everywhere else is super hit or miss

as for the bombardment of ads i'm just blocking everything on mobile and using the desktop since since i've got adblock on my browser

It's in the script. When the waters are still and nothing happens, life is boring. The waters need to be stirred every now and then.

I do. The people here cheering for a single person never qualified by one hour of productive work destroying a major channel of humanities communication network should think again. This comic server is part of the same economic framework, capitalism. What makes them think, their achievements and hearts blood will be spared?

Me and my 11 likes:

Still, I'd hate to see artists I love suffer. They deserve better. I would follow them anywhere I can if sh/t will hit the fan and I hope others will too.

The minute the guy fired the Accessibility Team on the site. It was pretty much a sign that the whole site goes downhill from there. As much I don't like Twitter, I do feel sorry for the people who use the site for financial means and connections.

Hopefully, Elon Musk gets sick of the website but the damage will already be done by the time he is tried of it.

Everyone needs to calm down and realize just because you don't like him (Elon) doesn't make him dumb, stupid, ignorant, and anything else. He is a businessman. He's also smart enough to be a billionaire. You can't be dumb and be a billionaire, it's impossible. You don't understand how much money that is if you believe that. And before you say he doesn't know how to run a company, look to see if you are qualified to judge him. Are you running multiple fortune 500 companies? And using the "he just bought them" or "he inherited the money to buy them" excuse, understand 95% of people that win the lottery are flat broke in 9 years, no matter how much they won. He also has very smart people working for him. He doesn't design rockets, but his staff which is smart, does. Twitter will not go away. This is just a bunch of people annoyed that twitter is changing. Also understand this is political. Elon has a view on stuff a lot of people don't like. 5 years ago he was a god to people for his electric cars. He was a special guest on TV shows. People loved him. Suddenly he is the antichrist, too stupid to get out of his own way. All because he disagreed with a political side. Whether you agree with his views or not, do not confuse that with his ability to run a company. They are two completely different things.

Finally, understand it has happened. He's not going away. Figure out how to use it now. Adapt to the change. If you used it before, try using it now. Specially if you have an audience there. Don't throw that away because you don't like the owner. That is small minded. You goal is to be a successful artist, not be a political mouthpiece against someone who doesn't even know you exist.

Elon Musk isn't your bestie, stop trying to defend him.

I'm so sorry - I just...

I'm laughing at this post. That's all I gotta say. I can't even try and give a proper reply to this.

I'm off for the weekend. Stay safe, ya'll.

So...traditionally, posting in this particular forum involves actually asking a question.

That said, if Twitter passes, I would not mourn it. I'm old enough to remember the discourse before it, and I'm not even sure if the damage Twitter has done to it can be repaired. And that's not even considering the degree to which the mechanisms of mental abuse have been normalized on it.

As harsh as it sounds, I think society would be better off without Twitter.