7 / 11
Oct 2022

So I'm slowly hammin out stuff for blacktober and one of the things that's made for lame road bumps is stuff with backgrounds. I can kinda fudge em when i need to but this ones got me stumped

So i used a minecraft screenshot as reference and then tried to alter the space to what i wanted while drawing over it but between the clearly off perspective and like other wonky looking bits it's just annoying me to look at it

if it helps here's one with the rough sketch of the characters included coz i imagine even they're off as a consequence of my poor room shaping

ideally i can kind of straighten out the space so everything sits at least a little better but honestly i'll take anything :cry_01:

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    Nov '22
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This won't make it perfect, but it should make it a little better...

The floorboards are the number one offender here. If you try to have the rightmost one follow the line of the bookshelf as a guide, that might help. Also put the bookshelf on the floor rather than floating! :sweat_02:

I've put in a few tweaks to the window too, to just help with a consistent sense of the shape in 3D space. You can probably make some of these fixes by selecting parts and using "skew" or similar transform tools.

Hope that helps!

Thank you so much! This helps a ton actually :cry_01:

i figured it's coz i've been looking at it for most of the past two days but this is exactly what i was looking for :pray:

Forgive me if I flub up the explanation... It's a lot easier to explain these things IRL.

Everything regarding perspective relies on where your vanishing point and horizon line are. I made a guess here based on the shelf the character in the back was sitting on and ruled out from there. Even if you use a screenshot or a photo reference you need to figure out where the "box" your scene is sitting in is pointing towards and decide upon the vanishing point. You then go from there.

I'm just using a one point perspective here. You could have easily had the flooring pointing at a different vanishing point if you wanted to.

I added a blue line to show you how to best figure out people in perspective, but I realized that this is whole different issue with the panel to be tackled and that would be an info overload.

I'd recommend looking up a really good book called "Perspective! For Comic Book Artists" by David Chelsea. It's in comic format, a bit like Scott McCloud's books, and gives a really thorough and also very practical overview of the subject. :smile_01:

I'm also a fan of Vanishing Point, Perspective for Comics from the Ground Up, by Jason Cheeseman-Meyer. (I was just using it a few days ago to teach myself 3-point perspective, actually.)

just wanted to pop in again for a very quick thank you all for all the tips and tool suggestions as well as the book mentions! this is what i've got so far

i'll be placing the characters on the scene once i'm recharged enough to go back to it but i really am thankful

also to the folks who mentioned CSP and it's ruler tools i do have the program but my dinky laptop can't quite take the software in it's newer version (last i used it was way back in 2015) so to keep her from blue screen crashing my best alternatives have been lil websites like this one while i stick to my main drawing software medibang paint (that one's easier for me anyways :sweat_02:) but i do appreciate the video guides and i'll be sure to save em for later! :coffee_love:

1 month later

closed Nov 17, '22

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