143 / 143
Jun 2024

@Leyelle Here's Bucky, if anyone else wants to try, go ahead!

I need to practice drawing humans too, so feel free to @ me with an OC if ya want.


Do you prefer drawing girls or boys? Well, either or works. I'm always looking for new art of both my OCs, so:

You could draw Kattar or Alicia:

None of my art of Kattar is very good lol, but here it is. I'll tag both of their descriptions for reference:

Alicia is 4'9, with dark brown, curly (but not kinky) hair. It's closer to loose ringlets (something like large curls in the 3A-3B texture (Using Cosmopolitan as the point of reference, since nobody seems to be able to agree on anything) And her hair reaches nearly to her knees. She has a cinnamon brown complexion, and is rather hourglass shaped, with the exception that her waist is a bit on the thicker side, so it doesn't taper a lot.

She also has pretty thick and dark eyebrows, very thick eyelashes, and rather large dark ambery brown eyes.
(She considers herself to look like a curvy American Girl doll, so that probably gives you a pretty clear impression lol) She also has pretty full lips, and a round nose.

Post accident, she has a scar on the back of one shoulder that spreads toward the middle of her back, and a few scars on the back of her legs as well. (It's your choice whether you draw her pre or post-accident.)

Kattar is 5'9 standing upright, but because of his paralysis, he can't stand all the way upright easily, so he usually doesn't. (Again, your choice whether you draw him pre-or post accident.) His natural build is on the thinner side, even with muscle, with fairly long legs for his height, and his face is on the rounder side as well. Alicia regularly refers to him as being pretty or beautiful, and while he doesn't look like a girl, he is very pretty for a boy.

Pre-accident, he had his hair dyed chestnut brown, and it was long but not quite shoulder length. Post accident, his hair has grown out in it's original color (black) and reaches past his shoulder blades. He has very slanted black eyes and a monolid, thick eyebrows, and the complexion of peanut butter frosting, which tends to have a slightly golden-y tint to it when he's been getting sunshine (which he hasn't in ages.) His hair texture has just the slightest amount of waves (2A texture.) He has a pretty sharp nose as well.

If you have any other questions on design details just let me know. I'm happy to answer them XD.

Edit: for what it's worth, Kattar is super "hot"/"sexy" however that can be defined lol. I also forgot to mention that while he's pretty thin, pre-accident he had a fair amount of muscle. He wasn't jacked or shredded by any means, but he had pretty well defined arms and a broad back because he hit the gym. A good portion of that muscle he's lost now tho.

Alicia is also pretty hot/sexy too (hot hot mess is her representative aesthetic) XD. She's on the softer side, but not touching chubby yet. She doesn't really have any visible muscle, and no part of her frame is really firm.

Lol, that works for me, as I've yet to get any submissions anyway haha

@Leyelle I drew Kattar!
And I learned how to draw a wheelchair...sorta.

I think if you right click and open image in new tab it's a little bigger.

oops, there's some issues with the lines i didnt see. might have to clean that up 0.0

Oh wow, I wasn't expecting the effort for the wheelchair, thanks. You're the first person that's done that XD. Also I love the way the indigenous type features he'd have being Mexican come through in this pick.

Did you want this to be included in the DTIYS submissions by the way?

Sure! I dont know if im allowed to fix something (artifacting around the lines, ugh) but id love it!

you're allowed to fix anything you like lol. I don't mind. Can I share it on my IG and tag you when you're satisfied with it?

Sure! I'll post the edit here, might be a minute...

@2DLenzy here we have Bucky. Don't ask about the Gandalf hat. I saw the feathers that looked like a collar and thought I wanted to draw him like Gandalf lol. Funny because I know he's known for being outside the religious order so probably not one for the typical enlightenment of the "wise" but whatevs XD. I hope you like it

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11 days later

yeah, but there are so many replies on there at this point you can never find anything XD