1 / 30
Feb 2024



Interests: likes painting, flowers and "The Princess Bride"

Personality: Sweet and friendly

Complexities: ?

Need: ???



Personality: Sweet, but tempestuous, and intolerant. Generally quiet. Impatient and contemplative at the same time.

Interests: Painting, Fairy Tales, All things pretty

Dislikes: Movies, bugs, the color yellow, loud noises, animals in general, waiting, people trying to help him with things

Need: To finally break out of this glass cage he's been living in for the last 32 years.

  • created

    Feb '24
  • last reply

    Oct '24
  • 29


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  • 12


  • 17


I guess when an idea has been floating around in my head since 2006, there has been a lot of changes.

2006 version:

Mr. Blueberry:
Wrapped from head to toe in bandages to cover his odd purple skin. He as a giant asshole. He used to go around torturing people but turned his life around and became a teacher/father.

Ken Kumo:
A troublemaker and social reject. He was bullied a lot in school for having Fire-Magic and was transfer to Frostpeak.

Clone boy who lived with his older sister. His mouth was sewn shut and had to talk to people telepathically. He hated Mr. Blueberry for causing him trauma.

Ace Kumo:
Ken's dad who was missing fro several years. He was apparently running from the feds which ended him up in prison. He was able to reunite with his son. There was one version of him where he was Ken's brother pretending to be his dad.

A uppity pure-blooded Fire-Person. He was asexual and very grumpy and critical of everyone.

Current Version:

Mr. Blueberry:
He's a lot nicer yet is still rough around the edges. I ended up removing the wrapping (something I decided years ago because it was impractical). He's less insecure about his skin condition. He is very bright yet can sometimes comes off a bit low brow. Mr. B is far more queer coded in this version.

Ken Kumo:
Pretty much the same but he has Air-Magic instead of Fire-Magic. But he is very fascinated by fire in a very unhealthy way.

No sister, no mouth stitches, no telepathic powers. He's still a clone. He is emotional blank most of the time. He no longer hates Mr. Blueberry, instead he see him as a father.

Ace Kumo:
He's Ken's uncle. He's very sweet and caring. I am still trying to figure out what I want his backstory to be.

Pretty much the same but maybe not as grumpy. He isn't asexual in this version. I decided to focus more on them being nonbinary. I have yet to state what their sexuality is.

from hating someone to seeing them as a father is definitely a big switch. I'm not sure I have any characters whose ROLES in relation to each other have 180d like that, but it would be harder in a slice of life where their connection to each other makes up huge portions of how and why they interact, especially given the plot of "Hushabye Prince" specifically

(Brood Knight) (2004-2007)
- more emotional. Rash in decision making. Complete interventionist. Micro manager.

(MAG ISA ) (2007-2023)
- partially emotional and rash in decision making. And partially stoic.

(AngHell Dela Blackpill)
- calm, stoic, focus on the task at hand. Focused on bigger picture. No longer tries to play waifu therapist.

Well in my newer comic, the main character is definitely going to evolve a lotā€¦ only on page six rn so :sob: canā€™t say much

oh i was saying from your initial story design idea to when you made the story though

The evolution of my MC is pretty much the main plot point of my story, and itā€™s difficult to put it to words here without sounding like Iā€™m blowing my own horn because my MC is me, but Iā€™ll try:

Then: Cautious, introverted, absolutely terrified that anybody might find out my big secret (being gay), and, because of that secret, terribly lonely and depressed.

Now: Out, loud, & proud. I donā€™t wear it on my sleeve but I donā€™t hide it either. Very confident because Iā€™ve decided life is not going to throw me anything that I canā€™t handle (though, at this point in time with both of my parents being gravely ill and actively dying before my eyes this is being severely tested). Feeling secure, and, though I never thought it possible for the first 25 years of my life, feeling loved.

Blowing your own horn is 100% not a problem lol. And i'm glad you feel loved in this stage of your life, it's definitely something hard for many, if not most, people to find. So blow that horn as loud as you like.

My main character went from someone far more mature than she is now, complete with a condition that made her completely emotionless. Now she's only 15 with a condition that's causing her brain to slowly lose higher functionality.

Daisy started out as an absolute Mary Sue without direction, the type of character you could remove from a story and nothing would change. Eventually, she turned into a big sister seeking her long-lost little sister. She's still strong-willed and able-bodied, but she gets overwhelmed easily and is very susceptible to panic attacks - something that's really helped make her an actual character

Maria started out as a rather snarky gal who was overprotective of the main character, but she eventually turned into a more innocent and child-like character who wants nothing more than to create machines to help those in need.

Alexus hasn't actually changed all that much, although tying him to a fictional religion was a big change... personality-wise, he remains almost exactly the same, though <.<

C-3 I won't touch on due to spoilers, but I'll just say that she was even more of a Mary Sue than Daisy was. Making her character work in the story was like a game developer constantly nerfing one really overpowered playable character; the base abilities of the character are just so overpowered that you can never actually make it balanced. I'm pretty happy with how she's handled now, but I do still worry sometimes

I wouldn't say they have changed much, more just have dealt with stuff. My, all 5 books, happens over a summer. So they situations are dealt with as they come up, but their personalities don't really have time to change. I would say the romance between Baul and Gavin is the main change.

I forgot to do one for Daecon:

Before: Rich, arrogant prick who took nothing seriously and had no thoughts of ā€œsettling downā€ or becoming attached. He was a manā€™s man and played the dating game by PokĆ©mon rules: Gotta catch ā€˜em all!

After: Daecon has grown exponentially as a person after discovering exactly what he is. He has become an empath and has accepted his role as the saviour of the Shapeshifter race. He has done so reluctantly though, because he is still convinced that he is unworthy and that he will screw things up. He has also become more intelligent and aware of the world around him as heā€™s unlocked the powers that heā€™s always had but that were dormant until now.

Well shoot, I guess this is happening.
When I first came up with Rip...it was back in 1999 after Sonic Adventure debuted and he was an OC I made as a teenager. His name was Rip Raptor, I don't have any art from '99 but I did draw him in this chart of Rip variants(OG is him). As I've been developing this character since the 90s...he's changed a hell of a lot, this is a tiny sample.

When I was in grade 6, Tarow was an anthropomorphic cat in armor...then when I decided to merge two stories I had into one, she was redesigned as a dragon-person. Actually, all the characters that came from the one story were first cats, then changed overtime into dragons.

It's fascinating how we evolve our characters overtime, yet they all retain something from a previous design.

20 days later

Surprisingly enough Kimberly from "Hushabye Prince" used to be a tomboy. Now she's the girliest girly girl of all time

19 days later
13 days later

Alicia is evolving a bit more throughout the book "Sun with a Paper Crown." She's still and introvert, but she's learning how to interact better with strangers and not let them break her down the way they used to.

On the other hand, Kattar is becoming significantly less pleasant to be around at random times.

25 days later

Alicia is continuing to evolve. at the beginning of the story, she would just quietly tolerate all the things that made her miserable, and never daring to believe Kattar actually loved her. As of Friday, we have her reaching this moment, where she TELLS him (albeit on the verge of tears) that she's the love of his life:

The whole time my eyes track his expression searching for some sign ofā€¦interest?

Of anything.

The look in those windows to his soul is almost vacant. Like his emotions are making a long-distance move, and only a scant few parcels of anything like ā€˜careā€™ remain. The sign on the lawn says ā€˜apathyā€™ and his face is acutely ghost-like acedia - an almost gray shade of indifference.

For some reason, I suddenly want to cry.

Something painfully familiar that I canā€™t- donā€™t want to place churns in my stomach and hangs from my heartstrings like a gallows as he stares at the palm of his hand absentmindedly - I just canā€™t-

ā€œKattar, look at me.ā€

He raises his head but he barely seems to see me at all, slowly smiling a little uncomfortably at 0.5 speed.

ā€œWhat exactly am I looking at?ā€ He laughs a little awkwardly.

ā€œThe love of your life,ā€ I say out loud before the words even register in my brain. The sentence sounds watery, overlaid with tears, as my voice begs, ā€œIs she pretty?ā€

9 days later

With the initial story idea Riley was just Leia's depressed little brother who she was trying to save, as the story developed, the way they defended each other became more mutual as they both want to protect and keep each other safe, but from different things. (namely, he has some issues with one of her crushes.)

this is available for free for everyone to read on my Patreon public posts

For me, I would say the most readily observable change in my main character is her moral standards-and mental stability-start to slip.

She goes from shy, aloof, and unwilling to hurt anyone that isn't trying to hurt her, all the way to willingly dishing out death threats. By the third act of the story, she is so weathered by the things she has seen and what she's already been forced to do that she is willing to disregard lines she never thought herself capable of crossing. Even her very fighting style gradually shifts from cautious and conservative to overtly aggressive.