1 / 281
Oct 2018

What is Character Colosseum

Inspired by Screwattack's Death Battle and the TAPAS Character Fight Club located at https://forums.tapas.io/t/tapas-character-fight-club/25552/32810 I bring you the Tapas Character Colosseum where characters from Tapas comics and novels fight for supremacy!

Character Colosseum Format

Heavily inspired by Death Battle, fights begin with a summary of the two character's worlds, history, and abilities followed by a written fight scene and concluded by a recap explaining the reasoning behind who won.

The creators of the characters are encouraged to make art of the fight, but this is not a requirement as characters from both comics and novels will be involved.

Rules of the Character Colosseum

  1. The victor will be decided by the judges panel based on comparing feats/powers/tactics. The judges panel will be a small and neutral group of volunteers who will familiarize themselves with the works featuring the combatants.

  2. Characters are compelled to fight each other to the best of their abilities, but their personalities are intact. A character that doesn't kill will not kill. Characters will not be maimed/killed/seriously humiliated unless these stakes are agreed upon beforehand by both creators. Fights will end with a submission, knock out, or incapacitation, whichever is most likely to happen first.

3.The arena for each match will be randomly selected from a pool of arenas taken from different tapas work. Spectators and entrants are encouraged to submit their own arenas. An example:

WW2 Battleground
World: The Power of Stardust
A battlefield empty of combatants. Muddy. cratered earth is littered with the rubble of heat rays, giant Nazi robots, and other superscientific weapons of war. Broken vehicles and uneven terrain provide cover and hiding spots while discarded weaponry can be repaired and made use of by characters with the proper knowhow.

  1. Characters will have basic knowledge of one another. If the average person from a character's world knows about their powers, their opponent will likewise know. If a character has any secret weakness or power hidden from the world at large, their opponent will not know about it.

  2. Characters fight alone, and cannot leave the arena or summon help unless their powers/abilities involve summoning others to aid them. A character that typically summons a giant robot to fight will be able to summon his or her giant robot.

Arena List

For the sake of space, the Arena List is now at:

  • created

    Oct '18
  • last reply

    Jun '19
  • 280


  • 18.6k


  • 26


  • 289


  • 47


Frequent Posters

There are 280 replies with an estimated read time of 45 minutes.

What I need from you guys

Please post if you are interested in:

  1. Your character competing

  2. Submitting an arena

  3. Joining the judges panel

Our first fight!

Chita, the creator of https://tapas.io/series/Burning-Shadow has agreed to have her character Flare as a contestant in the first fight!


Can summon fire all over her body, mostly used on hands
Flying abilities
Very very high heat resistance, she could basically walk through fire (she draws her power from heat)
Can throw fire blasts
Some hand to hand combat
Knows how to use her surroundings

Easily distracted and teased
Can get a little out of control if heavily provoked
Her fire comes from internal heat, so she can feel dizzy when used a lot
That’s why she has a limit to her fire powers
Can’t throw blasts more than 3/4 meters away
Can’t bring herself to kill anyone

Part dragon, all spunk, Flare hails from a magical world where creatures like her are considered only a myth.

We're looking for a good thematic opponent for Flare to fight. Maybe someone with ice powers? Maybe another dragon? Maybe another aerialist? If you have a suggestion please post!

might come back to this later, i wanna know the format the fight would be going with

well by format i mean the way the comic or written work goes or do the fighters have free range as long as they put in the beginning pieces

Creators don't have to submit a thing if they don't want to, but are free to make any writings/drawings they want. If two creators want to make a collaboration for a fight they can work out the details between themselves. The "official" fight will be written by members of the judges panel.

If two creators do decide to do so, would it help the judges see where who would win the fight? Or should the fight the creators work on be separate from the judges' results?

On another note -- is this for published creators? Is it possible for unpublished creators to join in? They would have to organize and show some details for the judges, of course.

I would love to join in, but I think I'll start off by creating an arena. :blush:

im not sure how i sit well with the "judges write the REAL fight" a lot of people prefer to have as much creative control to their characters as possible

It's up to the creators whether they want to make a fight that follows the judges result.

Unpublished creators are more than welcomed if they provide details for their characters!

Looking forward to seeing your arena! The more the merrier!

The idea is to be flexible with the contestants. If a contestant wants to help choreograph and write the fight, that's fine. If a contestant just wants to enter their character and see what happens that's also fine.

I'm not sure they're similar enough to warrant a merger. The rules are different after all. But I do want us to be sister series that get along. Would you be interested in hopping on the judges panel?

i dont have one that can fight Flare since it almost be like fighting fire with fire, plus i got to finish something else before i sign up

but i might do an arena for now

Maybe, I don't know. I kind of want to get the first match for the Fight Club done first (if it ever gets done) before jumping into something new.

I'll just chime in and say that I really like this idea. I especially love how you seem to be trying to let this be as democratic and flexible as possible, which to be honest I think has been somewhat of an issue with the Tapas Character Fight Club (TCFC).

I'd like to raise the question of how the results of events will be published. With TCFC, all the events are supposed to be published on one person's channel, which makes it so everyone kind of has to approve everything with this one person (who has been hard to get in touch with). Personally I suggest the Colosseum allows each working group to agree on which channel to publish their results on, but I'd love to hear your ideas :slight_smile:

Anyone involved can post the results on their channel. They'll also be posted in this thread.

Not to sound mean or anything but it better get done or we're going to run into some serious practical issues when it comes to publishing the second match -_-;