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May 2020

My avatar was an OC from my second webcomic, which I didn't even continued after the 4th episode.

I thought it wasn't good enough and recently my friend told me she read a book with the same storyline, so I had to drop any chances of bringing it back to life. The reason I'm using it, is because I like the portrait I made haha and it haunts me to keep working on my currently one too :'D

21 days later

I use this avatar in most of my websites except my facebook page. It's really a snapshot of a Wonderwoman poster I really liked that is hanging on my wall now. I just mixed it up by finding nerd glasses template and photoshopped it in Corel Painter. That's about as high as digital arting I tried getting.

My Avatar comes from this:


My boyfriend and I were sick and couldn't celebrate the new year. So I doodled this up because of boredom. And I just find my ironic cheer in the picture to be pretty funny. I also quite like to have an actual representation of myself in my avatar. I love doing my comic and all, but it's not the only thing I identify with. So what do I identify myself with? Well me, of course. So that's what I'll put in my avatar ^^

When I had comic fever and wanted to drw my own stuff, I did this little number:

And while looking for more places to post my comic, that's when I discovered Tapas, and the fact that they have a novel section. I was sold right way, and started posting novels instead of comics XD

Anyway, here I've stayed. I'm better at writing than drawing anyway lol. If anyone cares, you can find the first and only chapter of the comic on webtoon under the name "cosmo in the woods". It's never going to get another update, though XD I'd much rather you read my novels thb ha ha ha

Edit: She's an alien that ditches her spaceship for a planet with forests lol

1 year later

Bringing back an old post, because I'm sure new users may want to tell something about their avatars.

The dog character is not my persona/fursona. Demi, is one of a major supporting characters in my upcoming comic 'MAOR'-- a founder of a sect, kind of like a spiritual guru + hippie :heart:

My avatar may change in the future though.

my avatar is my main son drawn by someone for an art trade :"> (the previous one was also by others and an oc, except its his cousin haha)

My avatar is just me :slight_smile:
'Cause I think it's cool if my followers and friends that I make here can see me right away)

Mine is my boy, Regro. Its actually a panel from my comic and one of my favorite expressions I gave him.

Edit: I changed it after updating my comic. Now its Misk. :joy:

She's the main character from my novel actually, the sad Dragon Princess Suren. She's a real sweetheart even if she is depressed 24/7. :green_heart:

My icon is actually just a screenshot from one of the panels in my comic. She's just a supporting character, but I relate to her the most because she's such a fucking gremlin

Mine is based off of a joke situation that happened in an RP.
'The crab Yokai slowly sipped a cup of tea. "Okay..." He put the cup around to his back and let the face sip from the cup too. "Won't lie, you guys are creeping me out." He said and turned back into his house and drew the blinds down.'

It's based on a Yokai called a Heikegani which is a crab with a human face on it's back. And it is also me, because I found the situation so hilarious when I wrote it that I realized...yup...my artist mascot's gonna be a crab XD

Thanks! no, it's supposed to be a type of robot. I was thinking of trying an animal based avatar, but I didn't really want to be pigeonholed as an artist squarely focused on just animals and animal-like characters if that makes sense. :slight_smile:

Mine is a part of the cover for chapter 4, which features Myriam. Kept her as my avatar even though I'm in chapter 5 as her character is going through something big and the mood of that particular art piece is still very much relevant.