18 / 42
Jul 2021

dude, same, but with a pokemon fanfiction

the inspiration for "Goodbye, Rival" came from a time I had to learn to let go of pretty much my only friend at the time. don't wanna bore you with all the details, but she was kind of delusional - she thought pokemon were real and existed in another dimension and that adults are all inherently evil, and I'm talking about a 13-16 year old here. when I met her, like you'd expect from a lonely kid who watches too much anime, I tried to "save" her. thought if I showed her how nonsensical and absurd she was being with enough persistence, she'd come to reality and be all the better for it. but I was trying to force her to change while she was desperate for someone to tell her she's doesn't need to, so our relationship wasn't really healthy. still, we were both so desperate to have a friend we just kinda stuck together anyway.
until I realized the harsh truth, that you can't change people. even for the better. change is a choice one needs to make, and while you can help them make the choice, you can't make it for them. and if they choose not to change, all you can do is let them go and hope for the best.

so that's why I wrote a cheesy shonen parody lmao

I loved video games as a kid (still do) and was asked by a friend why don't I try making one of my own. I began writing a lot over the years and realized I loved writing stories (not just for games). I wanted make a webcomic, but I can't really draw, so I do my best with webnovels.

Battle shonen anime/manga inspired my story. They were these amazing stories I enjoyed growing up (naruto, Dragonball z, hunter x hunter, etc). The fights in a cartoon would usually be quickly resolved with like a few punches, but anime went into detail about abilities and unique uses. The battles themselves feel like part of the story and not just something minor. I thought it would be cool if all the battle shonen stories came together in some way. This lead to me creating my own original story.

The Forgotten Queen was, honest to god, a project I did not have a moment to think about. For, it was a project I came up with on the spot because I saw a free book cover I really liked, and I just needed to have that book cover. So, BAM, I created a summary, characters, and the first few chapters. I soon started to fall in love with the plot, and it no longer was just a random book I liked for the cover, which I switched out for a commissioned cover cause of Tapas, but it was my pride and joy. Of course, I hit writer's block quite often, but I eventually got past that recently and pumped out a heaven's load of chapters. Like, eight. It was an adventure, but I feel like it is a well done practice novel. Now, I am working on a new one that I will talk about below it is a true put to work of this practice novel.

Now, I am not saying TFG is a practice run, but it was a novel I used to greatly improve and practice new styles of my writing. With that said, i took upon a novel idea that has been circulating in my head for quite some time. I always love to write about dragons, monsters, and magic. So, why not put that together with a sprinkle of harry potter influence, and you have The Black Dragon. I really wanted to try my hand in the show not tell aspect, so I include both, a smidge of show, a smidge of tell, and I really like how it has been progressing so far. Again, I have everything plotted out this time, so I am not jumping head first like I did in TFG. I plan on building and 8-10 chapter buffer before I start releasing it. I have a sample chapter up right now to showcase what will be seen!

It seems many people have been using their first novels as a practice run, or in other terms, a Trial Run. :[]

(Yup, that's it. That's the whole story behind this novel. I had a killer plot in mind but didn't want to write it just yet. I needed to go on a trial run with writing novels)

This comic that I am making right now all began after I watched the show, "Boboiboy". I was so immersed in the show where I began creating my own comic out of it. That was 7 years ago and that badly drawn comic of mine which I drew on paper was the start of this journey that I'm currently in. That comic is drawn badly and the plot was worse. It took me 2 years to finally have an idea. This idea was created after I watch a specific episode of the "What If" show on Facebook. That episode got me all fired up and gave me a lot of ideas for my story. Because of that comic I made years ago, I decided to maybe write the plot first before making a comic so that I have something to use as a guide. And that story I wrote which would serve only as a guide became so massive that I decided to just make it as a novel. It took me 4 years of writing to finally start the comic.

An interesting story about my story? Not sure if it's particularly interesting, but I originally came up with the idea as far back as 2017 as part of a trio of works revolved around character design and practice. These were all intended to be more serious/professional public art pieces. The projects in question were: Project Attribute, Project Type, Project Summon and were all named after terms in the Yugioh Trading Card Game. Attribute are elements, but I used it more as attributing personalities. Type is class (like Warrior, Machine, Beast, Sea Serpent), but mine was a mix of Archetypes (Hero/Magician/Explorer) and the Major Arcana in an attempt to better understand psychological concepts.. Summon is how monsters are played onto the field and I used that as a base for the earliest concepts for the story.

Eventually, Summon spawned off into it's own thing once I explored the concept and decided to go all in and make it real. The "SUMMON" of today is nothing like how it began, but incorporates a little of all 3, the importance of character and psychology, understanding and breaking people and a clear love for one of my all time favorite series and games. That's the origins in a nutshell. TL;DR my story was originally part of a public art series, but I explored the idea and decided to have it be it's own thing.

Your love for Tokusatsu completely caught my attention. I might be your target audience so I'll give it a read.

To make it short: I‘ve been having this idea stuck in my head for 11 years now, started drawing 9 years ago for the sake of it and kinda started my journey as an artist from there.

Long story: Like, as we were as 10 year olds, my friends and I would always role-play during breaks in school, but not as characters from shows - no, no, we wanted to spice it up - we role-played as self-inserts. Looking back, it‘s actually more funny to me than cringe, because that‘s how I came up with my main OC two years later and over the years of developing the plot and worldbuilding of my project Sky Diver, she just became just another character in that story, though she does serve the purpose of one of the protagonists after all. The project stuck with me for so long that it kind of became my little escape, but also helped me grow in a way, since I started imagining how the characters in the story would react to things that happened to me and how they would resolve things.
However, that‘s not the core aspect of it though since, as I stated in the beginning, the story‘s focus is on the concept of crossovers, which makes it basically a fanfiction, but I was always fascinated by the basic concept of characters from very different universes meeting each other - even more exciting how it would be to be a part of it or just see what happens, if such worlds would interact even with our own. And shonen anime. Anime in general, I even wanted to animate stuff for it at one point, until I finally decided to reboot the comic project because animation costs me too much blood, sweat and tears to do :cry_swag:

I think the most prominent inspiration until now - not inclusions, like with certain series that made their first appearance at the end of the most recent episode - were anime like Gurren Lagann & Kill la Kill, but also JoJo‘s Bizarre Adventure.
Why the last one? When I first wrote the whole project out in 2015-2018 (as a fanfiction of course), I wrote 4 sagas in total with different protagonists, which could be standalone, but also tie into each other and the protagonists are all related, actually :sweat_02:

Right now, I can‘t wait to share the rebooted and definitive version of the story and the many adventures of the ragtag group that calls themselves „the team Sky Diver“! :3

Wow! Great background and great graphic affects in your story! You have a skill for humor that actually fits your scenes and plot. Subscribed and yes, definitely reading! I may take a bit from post to post because I'm currently scheduling my own, but I'm so there!

My story about my story:

This isn't the first thing I've written but it's the first I'm brave enough to publish. I have severe social anxiety, so it isn't failure I fear but success. I'll let friends read my work but that's as far as I go, even when they beg me to publish.

I've been writing my entire life. I practically lived at the library when I was a kid. I wasn't popular in school and I don't have the kind of family I want to talk about. My support came from the strangest of places: my bullies.

No matter how much they tormented me all week, when it was Friday -- creative writing day, they begged for my story first and would sacrifice their own sharing time to let me go over. After class, they would stay and ask me questions about what I wrote, like how I came up with the idea and how long it took me to write. In high school, the bullies weren't there but I still wasn't popular, until again, creative writing class. I was known as the story teller in school. I was still treated like I was worthless by my family, but their treatment was tolerable because of these classmates who made me feel like I was worth something, even when they were mean to me every other day.

I never stopped writing. It was the one thing I had that no one could take from me. When it came to sharing my work, though, that's where I drew the line. I was too afraid. I don't know why, exactly. It's just always been a thing for me, this social anxiety and fear of attention. Publishing on Tapas, my first time ever doing this anywhere, was my daughter's idea. She's pushed me out of my shell time and time again. She's been my biggest supporter.

I don't know why I'm finally ready after all this time, or why I feel so close to this one. I've written a 3 part saga based on my own heritage, and it wasn't close to being this deeply impactful to me. I dreamed this one but that's nothing new. Most of my stories come from my dreams, which aren't as chaotic as "normal" dreams. This one, though, seems to come from somewhere deep and at the same time, far away.

Because of my daughter, I became obsessed with Asian cinema. C-Dramas and K-Dramas, mostly. I don't even watch anything out of Hollywood anymore. This could be what has influenced my dreams, but my stories are always my own. I researched the h*ll out of Ancient China for this novel, like medicine, warfare, Daoism, even natural landmarks and horticulture. I have an enormous bookmark list and have even consulted content creators on YouTube located in China. I'm kind of OCD when it comes to historical accuracy lol.

I think if there was something that is a personal pet peeve, it would be the yin and yang theme. Yang is traditionally the masculine (white) while yin is the feminine (black). In my story, however, the female lead is represented with white while he is with black. It was necessary for their personalities and characteristics, and it's nothing that interferes with the story. It will, actually, make perfect sense as the story progresses.

Thank you for sharing your story's backstory and inviting others to do the same. I found some interesting shares on here and have subbed a few. It's nice to meet you! :purple_heart: :rabbit2:

The Tale of The Butterfly And The Crane

I'm so happy your hand is better! My dad went through the same and I know it's painful and not fun. Art and writing are the best ways to find ourselves and grow through trials and tribulations. Can't wait to check it out! :purple_heart: :rabbit2:

I started reading this a few weeks ago on my app and then got busy with uploading and with life. I never subbed but now, I can fix that! :purple_heart: :rabbit2:

Yeah it was definitely not fun lmao Especially in my freshman year of art college! I had a life drawing class, and I broke down in tears a day or two because the pain was so intense! Once I had my surgery, it was like I had a new wrist! I’d been dealing with the pain for years, but it was never intense until then, so I never bothered with it. But it definitely opened a new chapter of my life! I really appreciate you checking out my comic! Thank you so much!!

This might make you laugh ... I don't know if they put the same brace on your wrist as my dad, but there was a hard piece that extended into the palm of his hand. He was moving his fingers to exercise them one day, and I asked him to hold his middle two fingers onto the palm piece while keeping the pointer finger and pinky finger out. I told him, "There .. you're Spiderman!" He just looked at me like I had lost my mind and shook his head. :joy: Good to hear you're much better and it paid off for you! And you're so very welcome. :blush:

my funny story is. litterally yesterday at 2:45 am i came up with the whole idea and plot and names for my story and characters. when i was sleep deprived. at 2:45am to 3:39am. and i baised the main concept after me cause i am an insomniac who cannot for the life of me turn my brain off to get sleep. i just started making the story today. here it is:https://tapas.io/episode/2241858

I'll keep mine short.

Pitch, a teenage boy who cursed himself into being a rabbit person and now gets mistaken for the Easter bunny, got into a fight with Santa Claus. Pitch knocked Santa out with one punch. But the fat man had it coming.

Gonna get kinda personal, here, but the original inspiration for pretty much my entire love of history, but especially WW2, is my great-grandpa, Vear Jenson. Talking about the war was pretty much banned until he died, and even then, his wife didn't want to hear anything about it. I knew he was a navigator on a bomber, but beyond that, I didn't hear anything about it. It wasn't until I was about twelve, several years after he died, that anyone really began to talk about it. As it turns out, he wasn't just a navigator: he was a highly-decorated soldier, with several awards for valor and a mission on D-Day under his belt. Beyond that, he was also shot down, and was forced to bail out of his plane. From then, I was hooked: I looked everywhere for his military record, something that nobody in my family had ever seen. In the process, I learned about a bunch of other really cool people, and I knew I wanted to write stories about WW2. It wasn't really until COVID hit, though, that I decided on writing a webcomic on it.

I'm creating a story that is in the form of a diary from the main character named Aria Meliden Pheonix, her life is full of chaos for the soul reason of her mothers and twin sisters torture and murder, she is the sole survivor of this. which is unclear on exactly what happened or how to the readers of her diary at first. To be honest this story has been in my head for years now and this is the first time i am ever going to share it, so please tell me any tips about writing! im very new and fresh the the idea of writing! I hope it's a good read! I just also made a new instagram for it please go follow if you wanna learn more!

Well, how do I put this?

I've been working on this same cycle, no joke, for over three years. Whether it be the setup, which ranged from just a group of kids living alone and trying to survive, to an organization of assassins trying to take down a corrupted king, to its current setup of a reincarnated king trying to take back his land, every incarnation has failed except for this. I've had a lot of help with this current setup, but I mostly find myself invested in creating characters than actually telling a story. I've always wanted to try my hand at writing, so I started with screenplays, but those are impossible to take seriously unless it's tied with a visual medium, so here I am. I can barely understand grammar, but I do try my best, and it's coming along better than I expected it to be. If you like dark fantasy and action-adventure stories, my story might intrigue you!
