Yeah it was definitely not fun lmao Especially in my freshman year of art college! I had a life drawing class, and I broke down in tears a day or two because the pain was so intense! Once I had my surgery, it was like I had a new wrist! I’d been dealing with the pain for years, but it was never intense until then, so I never bothered with it. But it definitely opened a new chapter of my life! I really appreciate you checking out my comic! Thank you so much!!
This might make you laugh ... I don't know if they put the same brace on your wrist as my dad, but there was a hard piece that extended into the palm of his hand. He was moving his fingers to exercise them one day, and I asked him to hold his middle two fingers onto the palm piece while keeping the pointer finger and pinky finger out. I told him, "There .. you're Spiderman!" He just looked at me like I had lost my mind and shook his head. Good to hear you're much better and it paid off for you! And you're so very welcome.
my funny story is. litterally yesterday at 2:45 am i came up with the whole idea and plot and names for my story and characters. when i was sleep deprived. at 2:45am to 3:39am. and i baised the main concept after me cause i am an insomniac who cannot for the life of me turn my brain off to get sleep. i just started making the story today. here it is:
Gonna get kinda personal, here, but the original inspiration for pretty much my entire love of history, but especially WW2, is my great-grandpa, Vear Jenson. Talking about the war was pretty much banned until he died, and even then, his wife didn't want to hear anything about it. I knew he was a navigator on a bomber, but beyond that, I didn't hear anything about it. It wasn't until I was about twelve, several years after he died, that anyone really began to talk about it. As it turns out, he wasn't just a navigator: he was a highly-decorated soldier, with several awards for valor and a mission on D-Day under his belt. Beyond that, he was also shot down, and was forced to bail out of his plane. From then, I was hooked: I looked everywhere for his military record, something that nobody in my family had ever seen. In the process, I learned about a bunch of other really cool people, and I knew I wanted to write stories about WW2. It wasn't really until COVID hit, though, that I decided on writing a webcomic on it.
I'm creating a story that is in the form of a diary from the main character named Aria Meliden Pheonix, her life is full of chaos for the soul reason of her mothers and twin sisters torture and murder, she is the sole survivor of this. which is unclear on exactly what happened or how to the readers of her diary at first. To be honest this story has been in my head for years now and this is the first time i am ever going to share it, so please tell me any tips about writing! im very new and fresh the the idea of writing! I hope it's a good read! I just also made a new instagram for it please go follow if you wanna learn more!
Well, how do I put this?
I've been working on this same cycle, no joke, for over three years. Whether it be the setup, which ranged from just a group of kids living alone and trying to survive, to an organization of assassins trying to take down a corrupted king, to its current setup of a reincarnated king trying to take back his land, every incarnation has failed except for this. I've had a lot of help with this current setup, but I mostly find myself invested in creating characters than actually telling a story. I've always wanted to try my hand at writing, so I started with screenplays, but those are impossible to take seriously unless it's tied with a visual medium, so here I am. I can barely understand grammar, but I do try my best, and it's coming along better than I expected it to be. If you like dark fantasy and action-adventure stories, my story might intrigue you!
I guess an interesting story about how my novel came to be. When i was listening to an song about another girl liking a girl, but she has a boyfriend. So, me being the emotional person i am i think what if i made a lesban lovestory but instead of one of my mc's having a girl friend i make the friends and exclude te guy standing in between them. And have them have misunderstandings and other twists to it. Then boom that's how my second novel came to be. Sad but sweet.
This why my sister says i'm too much of a cancer.
@andersondavid319 Dang! You hit on some relatable themes! I had a VERY similar experience with Sonic the Hedgehog as you did Power Rangers (kinda ironic too, as I remember an interview with one of the old Sonic Saturday Morning Cartoon writers who was lamenting that since they were scheduled at the same time as (the unstoppable juggernaut that is) Power Rangers, Sonic got canceled after 2 seasons. You just can't beat Power Rangers's ratings in their prime). But I left the show and the games when I needed to "grow up" after puberty struck (but it grew SO much strength in my soul over that time apart...).
And years later? Same epiphanies were struck. I could finally love the crap out of the new My Little Pony with my kids (and She-Ra and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures brought some tears of joy very now and again too). Having 2 boys and raising them with all sorts of shows/media is a nice do-over from the ridiculous segmentation I experienced at their age. I chafe at boxes that I felt forced into as a kid.
So yeah, my comic has a similar emotional development.
Below is a short story (about my story) that I included as a thank you to readers as one of my episodes in my comic. You can read the full story (about my story) in episode 41. Although my story (about my story) isn't funny, there is a good deal of comedy in the book to juxtapose against the bleeding heart that I keep putting out there.
Be sure to click on the image for the full story (incase it got cropped in the forum preview for you too).
My friends betted me that I won't be able to pull off a romance novel since I'm an action/gore/thriller writer who mostly writes just about anything from a psychopath hitman to gunslinger female leads. It's actually a 360 degree turn from my usual chosen genre which is action/gore. So they betted me that I wouldn't be able to pull off a romance story.
And lo and behold, I merged my knowledge in two of my hobbies into the lead characters of the story. A story about a strong female lead novelist and a merman painter is born.
And I do admit romance was quite a hard genre to write about, since I don't have the slightest love pheromones in me, I watched and read everything about romance. There are such times that I want to kill them both hahahahah but that would suck. So yeah, I'm sticking through this one.
Title: In Midsummer's Rain
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama
Status: Ongoing
Elizia arrives to Lumeria to visit the house her grandfather bestowed on her. There she meets a mysterious dashing young man of her age named Luke. Through her stay, Elizia observed Luke from afar and uncovers the secret the young man hides.
I once had to do an assignment at school for some creative writing class. I ended up writing a sci-fi war thing, the teacher read it and apparently he shared it around with the other teachers in the English Department so, pretty soon I developed something of a reputation as a great writer in the English Department. Soon, my friends learned about it and then they made a bet with me, one day we were talking about what we all wanted to do in the future, and, when it came to my turn, they all said I should be a writer. The bet was, if I became a well known author by the time we were thirty, they'd buy every single one of the books I published.
Unfortunately, as happens in life, we lost contact with each other and so, I can't hold them to that bet, but, none the less, here I am, trying to become a successful writer before I turn thirty. And so, without further ado, this is my first novel:
Feel free to check it out if you're interested.