1 / 48
Dec 2020

Hey guys, I've done this a few times in the past, and I'm gonna do it again, it's the holidays, and for me the holiday art rush is over, I'm hella quarantined and in so much lockdown, even my Starbucks is closed, so I have some time to do a little giving back thing because small creators just don't get a lot of love, and I thought it'd be nice to draw your stuff (And I interpret small creator as anyone less than 1 million subs). Basically how it works, is you give me your character you'd like me to draw--I'll spin a roulette--whoever it lands on gets my interpretation as an art. In the past I've only done 2 or 3 illos whenever I've done this...and it'll probably be the same sitch with this one.

But this particular giveaway I only want to be only for novelists because...the chances are that a comic artist can draw are way higher than your typical novelist. And, to add some fun to this thread, I will only draw your character (just one character pls) based on written description alone--don't drop ANY concept art and images--only words. We'll see how I interpret it. Chances are, it'll be different, but it'll be a fun take.

Also, I should add that I'd prefer if these were characters you have in a novel that is online, so that when I put on twitter that I drew your stuff, I can also point people to your works--if it's a novel you've not posted anywhere...it's really hard to do that.

And like, obvi I'm gonna take however long I feel like and it'll be the style I feel like, so I might end up doing it later in the week, I might go painterly, I might not, you can see my style in those other threads. Mind you, this is just an OC fanart pic, so it can't be used for a cover or merch or anything printed, but feel free to advertise it on your own socials and as fanart posts in your novels if you get it, just make sure to credit me. :slight_smile:

And here's my other threads where I've done this if you're wondering what my styles entail.

Also, if you've won my roulette before, It'd be nice if you let other people have a chance (although I'm pretty sure all the people who got art were comic artists, so...novelists, you're good)

I have no idea what category to put this in PS, hopefully it works as an...off topic?

  • created

    Dec '20
  • last reply

    Jan '21
  • 47


  • 1.8k


  • 12


  • 67


  • 2


This is so cool of you to do :heart: ! Question - if my character hasn't been described in the actual novel before, can I give you the description I have written out for myself to refer to for when I get the actual 'describing character' scene?

(Also, off-topic works I think? Maybe collab, though not really at the same time. I kind of wish we still had a art/writing category for when it's both novels and art/comics lol)

I'm interested in this, but my descriptions are more open. I can provide more details if I need to. My character descriptions are open.

@willowTree that's fine, it doesn't have to be the same description that is in your novel, especially if you've got a novel that stylistically like...only has a little bit. You can just write me a new description here in your comments.

@cherrystark not sure what you mean by that, but whatever description you give me will be what you get. If it's super open, you might get like...anything. Just leave the description as a comment so I have something to put on the wheel.

I should have also asked in the first post... it's a shark monster. Do you prefer human characters only?

@willowtree I am no stranger to anthro critters, I can draw pretty much anything. Robots, monsters, deities, amorphous gasses, etc.

I will add that it will be safe for work, so if it's a character entirely made of dongs, it's gonna be really pixelated.

Here's how I described it on another thread, with a little bit of extra info :heart: -

Essentially it's a part human, part shark type creature. Not like a mermaid where there's tailed bottom and then a human upper body. The creature has legs, a long tail that can change it's shape, a wide triangular shaped heads with black eyes, long fingers that end in sharp claws. It's back has this function where it can inflate or deflate with air depending on if the creature wants to sink in the water or float near the top. I picture the thing on it's back as a replacement of the dorsal fin, instead of just one fin, it's like a triangle shape going down his entire back until it gets to his tail, if that makes sense?

It's stomach is white and it's back is a dark blue with ripples of lighter blue running through the color. This main shark creature has their version of 'freckles' except instead of darkened spots, this creatures has many white spots on his back from hanging out near the surface too often. At one point, my human MC describes them as constellations (white spots on the dark blue skin, it seemed fitting if cliche.)

@rajillustration Thanks for clarifying. I just meant that a lot of my characters had vague descriptions written in the stories so a lot is up for interpretation.

My MC- Jamie Carter. She is in her mid to late twenties. She has thick, curly hair that falls past her shoulder blades. She is on the tall side and muscular (she works with machines). She has freckles and wears round glasses. Clothing wise, she likes to dress for comfort and practicality. She often wears overalls or jumpsuits because of the abundance of pockets. The other characters sometimes refer to her look as Rosie the Riveter.

This is pretty interesting, I'm totally in!
Uhm, so, should I just drop the description right here as it is?

Thanks for creating such a great thread! :smug_01:

@eloisa_go yep! Just drop your character description in the comment! It'll be a bit before I roll the roulette, probably tomorrow so I don't leave people out.

This is it:

Moore is a brown-eyed 17 yo boy, though his eyes can turn a bit yellow under certain light. He has light skin, neither fat nor skinny, but he's (supposedly) hot. Has brown hair, always perfectly well groomed, and a very prominent jawline. Plump lips and a straight nose.
He's almost always frowning.

C-can I join in? XD It might be kinda cheap since you may already have a pretty clear vision of my characters (and since you may want to do one for a smaller novel) but if I can join in, I will do Taylor (I've been wanting to get more art of her, haha).

Taylor is a fairy--she has big ears that are shaped like a butterfly's wings and spiral-tipped nose and eyelashes. Like all fairies, she's got snow-white skin. She's got platinum blonde hair, round cheeks, and a pointed chin. You know her personality, but she's flirtatious, mischievous, and a little bonkers. Oh, her eyes are rosy (you can interpret that however you want).

I'd love to join if I can! I have a lot of different characters in my series, but I think my all-time favorite has to be Park Myung (even though he's kind of a jerk right now):

Myung is 5’5”, Korean, has straight silver hair sometimes held back by a headband, cobalt blue contacts or thick framed glasses (he has dark brown eyes when he's not wearing contacts), a scar on his left temple that he keeps covered with his hair unless it's being pushed back by the headband, sharp jawline, broad shoulders, usually wears dark-colored sweatshirts and sweatpants, flashy gold rings, diamond earring studs, and a gold chain with a gold band on it that's typically tucked under his shirt

This is such a cool idea! (Just don’t mind that I took probably 15 minutes debating between my two main characters :sweat_02:)

Jake is 5’8” with jet black hair. He let it grow out, so it’s long enough to tuck behind his ears. He’s 1/4 Japanese, fairly pale, and he has golden brown eyes (amber, technically, but he would never describe them that way). His resting face is a little serious, almost worried. Notably, he’s missing his right arm directly above the elbow. He almost always wears a hoodie, skinny jeans, and converse. Coffee is his love language.

Is it still open? I think I wanna test on how some characters are interpreted free from influence of my own shitty art, if you feel like it.

(In the meanwhile let me collect some passages, it's spread all over)

I will try to include physical information as it is in the novel:
- 13
- Brown skin, freckled
- Mauve eyes, give warm impression. Thick eyebrows
- Ashy dark brown hair, messy
- Stature on the smaller, shorter end

Thank you for reminding me of how lacking my character description is.

Oh thank you for the opportunity! :heart_02: I'll go with Percy because my impression of him is more of a vibe and aura, than an actual physical description. :joy:

Percy is a grumpy 16-year old student who is slightly pudgy and a sloppy dresser. Outside of the school uniform, he's usually dressed in sweat pants and a baggy tee. He has short, black hair. His eyes are black and sharp. Combined with his thick-lipped scowl, it looks like he's constantly glaring at something. Since he is often picked on by other guys, he often hunches. But when he vents his frustration in the cyber world, his aura changes from a brooding teen to a stuck-up, high and mighty cyberbully.