48 / 48
Jan 2021

K guys I'm gonna go spin that wheel tonight in like 30 minutes or so--anyone else want to jump in the pile?

Oh no, am I too late? Are you still spinning?

(I feel like I'm on Wheel of Fortune?)

I might! Feel free to drop your character description in a comment below. I might get to doing a third one...probably not more than three. But right now there's like...7 of you? So it's a good percentage chance of getting chosen.

@kmlangleyauthor Alrighty! I was reallllly vibing with the colors pink and a greyed blue (mostly because I wanted the eyes to kinda pop) and so here's my take on your Jake

You did mention he lost his arm, but I wasn't sure of the setting of your story and if it was like future or if he would be wearing a prosthetic or if he would not and what that would look like so...I just hella cheated and did a face portrait (which is half of what art is, by the way, it's just learning the right way to cheat, just like Yugioh) And tbh I love doing the faces most so I had fun with it.

Then I also inserted a coffee cup into that lower corner. Not my most detailed cup and hand, ignore the jank, I just really felt like I'd want that coffee cup in there since it's his love language, after all. Hopefully I did him some justice in this somewhat speedy painting, and thanks for trusting me with your main!

Well, my towns on lockdown the day before Christmas, I've played about as much Hyrule Warriors as I'm going to play--if any more people want to jump into the next roulette now's your chance (I'll probably end up finishing it a few more days from now, but youknow...just something to do on the side).

I'll be spinning it in 15 minutes or so.

Yo @blackorchid totally won the roulette but never dropped a character description? So like--it's christmas, and I'm assuming you're not around to drop a description, so I'm gonna spin another one--but when you drop me your description as a comment on this thread, I'll do yours (assuming that this will probably be days before you log in again because I at least hope you aren't as quarantined as I am and are probably hanging with people on the holidays.)

the next roulette wheel lands on: @blackorchid again, lololol

OK third time's a charm: it's @Eloisa_go ! I'll be drawing you're Moore at...some point this week?

Oh ginger-SNAPS!

That gave me a good laugh! I will compile the character description for you asap! What do you need? Do you want minimal, or an in-depth description?

Also, please feel free to do Eloisa's first. I am a patience sentience blob.

@blackorchid the amount of description is up to you--it's actually been really interesting doing this, because if you ask a comic artist to give you a description of their character, you will get every single freckle on their face and every detail about the shape of the bangs on their haircut, but if you ask a bunch of authors you get very different open types of descriptions that are more personality based than detail based.


OPHELIA The Gardener

Hair: Long, white | Eyes: Rose-colored / even slightly violet | Height: Medium | Age: 22-24 | Skin-tone: Pale | Stance: Rooted, Observant | Build: Slim, was malnourished for most of her early life. Fit, enough.
((Ophelia has albinism))

Ophelia sent her early years in the sunless caverns on the bottom-most part of her city. Her family is also genetically predisposed to Albinism. The culture of the city relishes in Sunlight, and its aesthetic is tanned skin and sun bright colors. That’s how you show your wealth, by saying you can live in the sun.

When Ophelia goes to the Vistas (the sunniest part of the city) she wears a straw hat and tinted lenses to protect her eyes.

While she is actually quite wealthy, it doesn’t always reflect in her clothes. When she is not working (and really when she is) she wears things she doesn’t mind getting soil on.

She carries a brown leather satchel (like a messenger bag) over her shoulder when she has to travel. It has all her tools and seeds in it.

I pulled this from the character sheet I have for myself, which obviously goes more in depth and has a collection of pictures.

Actual physical descriptions: once people get over the sight of her, I'd say her features are a bit angular. Almond-shaped eyes. The actress/model I have her based off is Russian. She's lithe, like a ballerina (but still has some muscles)

I think most importantly about her: she wants to be an actual gardener. She is at peace surrounded by greenery. Her actual job is a 'cleaner/decomposer' for the Mafia. I think she has a fun balance of feminine, floral, and just enough macabre. Like, if an Edgar Allan Poe poem existed in the Georgian Era and had a Nature-Theme Color Palate.

My only rules though: she does NOT wear Blue, or White and Red together.

She technically lives in an approximation of 1770s/1780s; however, I think it would be cool to see a modern version of her!

I hope that wasn't too much of a dump.

OK, here's my take on Moore, from @Eloisa_go !

Decided to have some fun with the highlight in his hair--been seeing a lot of iridescent highlighting in hair in other people's art lately, got very curious, and wanted to give it a go. Hopefully I got his jawline prominent enough, and gave him enough of a resting bitch face to look like a constant frown. It's always fun to draw a bigger chin on boys.

Hope you like it!

I am SO LATE seeing this but omg I love this so much!! He is absolutely spot on perfect!! :heart_02: :heart_03: I’m just going to go explode from happiness now :hype_01: thank you so much!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

OK for @blackorchid I've made a stab at Ophelia! So you mentioned that you wanted to see her in a modern take--and so I thought, considering she has a 18th century origin, and has a macabre meets femenine aesthetic, and wouldn't show much skin because she's got to avoid sunburns--she'd be in a corset over a black turtleneck. (the corset has little leaf print stuff going on but it's hard to tell.)

I also felt like going a little bit more comicky with this one, since I felt like it was more an outfit study, and it's a little easier to get in those details with linework. Anyway, I was feeling some American Duchess shoes, because she would be into history bounding. Some big ol high waisted trousers and fingerless mitts--which were a thing in the 1780's apparently (at least according to google, so don't quote me)

Anyway, hopefully I got it kinda close to what you were thinking, thanks for putting her in the pool! She was fun!

And that will be it for the roulette this time out! Thanks all who submitted your characters! It was a fun time!

OMFG, she looks amazing!

Also, I love American Duchess stuff, so great call!

Just everything about this!

She looks like a character in a bitchin' remake of PowerPuff Girls, and I love her all the more for it! <33

Also, how do I credit you? I want EVERYONE to know. I wanna show it off. <3

I have no words :heart_eyes: This is simply wonderful!!! I love it, thank you so much!
And yeah, those highlights you tried? They're great, I think it's something that suits both: him, and the story itself (the official art is neon-style).
The jawline is beautiful, and I think you portrayed his bitch face smooth and amazing. The outfit fits him more than well, btw.
I like it, a lot. This is the first time someone makes art for me and the feeling is great.
Thank you so so much again!! :kissing_heart:

Also, guys, if anyone is interested in meeting Moore, you'll be very welcomed here: https://tapas.io/series/Between-Love--War-91/info

I'm so glad you like it! :smiley: And ya, no worries, with it being around the holidays I knew people wouldn't be on here every day, if at all during those weeks.