344 / 671
Aug 2021

I just want to say thank you for doing this :blush: it's looking absolutely amazing so far! Everyones characters look absolutely adorable! I'm so excited to see the end results 🤩

Hate to break it to you buddy, but you gotta draw your own chibi for this project.

Wow, just got back from my medival- weekend xD wow this got big! I'll finish mine by tomorrow ^^

I need to do some changes though, as my chara is nr.1 and I started with her having some flowy hair. But it's no problem :slight_smile:

I feel like this should be an annual thing :hype_01: I don't know if you meant for this to be so big but it's actually a really fun collab idea @Legendofgenii

@feuersichel Medieval weekend sounds like great fun! :grin:

This became so much bigger than the original 21. Had to wiggle things around a bit to make more room. :sweat_02:

If you want to swap for one of the new slots (so you can still do the big hair), just let me know before they go. :blush:

62, 63, 64 & 65 are available.

Wow this got so huge, super cool! Can I grab slot 62? :grinning: