14127 / 19124
Dec 2022

The last few years all the art I did was really lazy art because I was exhausted all the time from overworking. So I wasn’t really very proud of anything I was making and I was always rushing it. And then having to drop off projects.
Now I’m working a job that allows me a more reasonable work life balance I’ve been able to invest more time into my art. I’m feeling better about even my sketches. :heart:
Although I need to fix that @$&# hand doing the peace sign :sob::skull: it’s so bad. Lol calling myself out. I can’t believe at this age I’m still messing up hands. 🤣 ah well.

Welcome to the thread and no, it looks really good! Except the peace sign includes the thumb looking inwards, so maybe changing this little detail will ease your mind :slight_smile:
I really like her face ^^

Okay this is amazing, profiles are so hard, did you hide your structure before exporting the sketch or do you freehand like this? (Either way it’s super impressive!)
And thank you so much for your welcome and feedback! I will definitely fix the peace sign before I take my sketch to the next step :heart:

That’s fantastic. Comes with a ton of experience I imagine. :heart:️ I struggle with that lip and chin area lol I think I just need to sit down and draw 500 profiles or something. :upside_down::joy:
Get it out of my system.
Maybe I’ll do that with peace signs too LOL. :v:

:heart:️ Thank you so much. Is your portrait sketch an original character, or based on somebody? I like the structure you’ve built.

Thank you, I started a new Proko fundamentals course and hasn´t started yet but I tried to draw one
of the assignment portraits. I try to learn to draw with the pencil properly and learn to shade with pencils

Hey that’s awesome! That’s motivation, getting a jumpstart before the course even starts? You’re going to nail it once it really gets going. :grin: How long is the course?

I think the course will take 18 months, I skipped a lot of basics when I tried to teach myself
how to draw so I thought a fundamentals course sounds like the right thing to do

It counts for a lot honestly. I went to art college, so I did all my basics there, and it was way too expensive :weary: fr, learning art fundamentals really is a worthy investment of your time if you like creating art. :heart:️ (But I highly recommend a cheaper way then I did LOL the way you are going sounds great!) I hope you really enjoy it! 18 months is a great timeframe too.

Hands really are a struggle, for most of us I think. So many bendy places lol
And line weight takes forEVER. I think you did a great job though :heart:️ I like that you added some squash to the face, it adds weight, gives life to your art :slight_smile: