


My name is Jess, I'm a web developer, and aspiring comic creator, I love to draw and code.

Jan 3, '21
Last Post
Jan 17, '23
Feb 3, '23
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Ah that’s great advice. I’m a rage eraser/deleter. :skull:🤣 I’ll probably regret it later so I should kick that habit. I love color so I should definitely do that. Last night I spent a few hours working on a huge piece I’m working on (huge in that there are like 13 characters in it, and huge in that ther…

I think owing to an especially stressful week at work with some long hours, I’ve just been very dissatisfied with everything I’ve drawn this week. Every sketch I’ve done Ive done at least 3-5 times. Sometimes more, and still wasn’t happy with the results. 🫠 (Not like a “oh I suck this is bad” type o…

In my initial rough she was looking down at a cat, but I got lazy (well, ran out of time, I have some other work to do tonight then work in the morning). But I’m trying to make more time for sketching/drawing. I should really finish something though lol :slight_smile: [image]

@Kelheor your sketches have so much energy and life and character, I love seeing them :heart:@migxmeg Omg the hair. Love the hair so much.

Very late night sketch when I was supposed to go to bed early :heart:️ didn’t flip it often enough so it’s just a little lopsided but I could lasso fix that if I wanted to take it to lineart so I’m pretty happy with it :slight_smile: [image]

Was this done as a shading study? It is very well done :heart:

And I got my sketch for Friday done early with a peace sign! And did not draw on the wrong layers. And laid down proper structure for everything. So feeling much happier today. Even remembered to point the thumb inward. I’ve got to see if I can get to a simplified style at some point if I ever want…

Thanks so much :heart:️ I think I was feeling bad about it because I invested all my time into just the profile (where I tend to be kind of weak) then rushed on the rest of it :sweat_smile: and made a lot of mistakes, like drawing on the wrong layer more than once, and realizing the structure I laid down for the hair w…

Thank you very much :heart:

I’ll do a peace sign later 🤣 I spent too long on the profiles.

I have been lured by your skill at profiles into trying a profile, and I did three of them before I settled on this one (the others were erased, not even deleted because they were never saved), and I don’t love it but I don’t entirely hate it :skull:🤣 lol I love that grin on your character! :grin: it’s got a lo…

Hands really are a struggle, for most of us I think. So many bendy places lol And line weight takes forEVER. I think you did a great job though :heart:️ I like that you added some squash to the face, it adds weight, gives life to your art :slight_smile:

한극말 하세요? 이브를 본다. I also have ADHD. I tend to hyper focus though if I like doing something though. Like “Yay, I’m going to do this.” Then it’s like the whole world disappears and I look around and it’s 5am :sob: I have to set alarms.

For real, your 7yr difference between the character with the red vest and purple shorts, and your Sao cover is 🤯 The Sao covers gives me Airbender vibes (not “looks like” because it definitely has your own uniqueness, it just has something of that sophistication).

Hahah oh deviantart! Those were the days. :heart:️ That’s quite the improvement, it’s really clear how far you’ve come just in your understanding of form, and shapes, and dimension. It’s really awesome to see the change over a significant period of time like that.

Thank you :slight_smile: I went digging for the raccoon in particular, I was determined to out myself :joy: it’s hilarious.

Oh god :joy::skull: How it started in the early 2000s [image] [image] How it’s going, my current WIP :slight_smile: [image]

It counts for a lot honestly. I went to art college, so I did all my basics there, and it was way too expensive :weary: fr, learning art fundamentals really is a worthy investment of your time if you like creating art. :heart:️ (But I highly recommend a cheaper way then I did LOL the way you are going sounds grea…

Hey that’s awesome! That’s motivation, getting a jumpstart before the course even starts? You’re going to nail it once it really gets going. :grin: How long is the course?

I’m #1-#2. Here is some old apples I drew for a web game when I was a teenager. [image] But I honestly think my ability to visualize them is not innate, but comes from having practiced them in the past, like right now I can visualize an apple in a million different ways because I’ve drawn SO many…

:heart:️ Thank you so much. Is your portrait sketch an original character, or based on somebody? I like the structure you’ve built.

My current WIP :heart:️ Being drawn for absolutely no purpose other than to make myself happy, and it’s working, so I’m going a little overboard on it. :sunglasses: [image]

That’s fantastic. Comes with a ton of experience I imagine. :heart:️ I struggle with that lip and chin area lol I think I just need to sit down and draw 500 profiles or something. :upside_down::joy: Get it out of my system. Maybe I’ll do that with peace signs too LOL. :v:

Okay this is amazing, profiles are so hard, did you hide your structure before exporting the sketch or do you freehand like this? (Either way it’s super impressive!) And thank you so much for your welcome and feedback! I will definitely fix the peace sign before I take my sketch to the next step :heart:

The last few years all the art I did was really lazy art because I was exhausted all the time from overworking. So I wasn’t really very proud of anything I was making and I was always rushing it. And then having to drop off projects. Now I’m working a job that allows me a more reasonable work life …

Thanks very much! :smiley: Right now I'm still figuring out the right questions to ask. But I'm so happy there are so many people willing to give advice to a newbie :smiley:

Thank you I had no idea about that! :grin: I'm excited to get this rolling. But I know Ivegot a long way to go, especially since my current experience is reader-side only lol

Thanks very much! I didn't even realize I could choose more than one since this is going to be my first time uploading. I want at least 3 fully finished strips with a few more sketched before I launch the comic so I have a nice buffer. Which means I've only just looked at the first upload screen. Wr…

Thank you very much! I wasn't 100% sure because it's not so much jokes as it is a silly storyline and definitely lighthearted. The comedy comics I know of are all like Sara Scribbles and and Cyanide and Happiness where it feels more like a visual punchline. I really appreciate the help! :grin:

I'm working on this cute little comic called "How to Save a Princess" and I'm not sure which genre it will go in though. It's supposed to be simple (a way simplified style). I was starting with a much bigger project but I've never done comics before so I thought it was best to dip my toes in with so…