14137 / 19124
Dec 2022

:heart:️ Thank you so much. Is your portrait sketch an original character, or based on somebody? I like the structure you’ve built.

Thank you, I started a new Proko fundamentals course and hasn´t started yet but I tried to draw one
of the assignment portraits. I try to learn to draw with the pencil properly and learn to shade with pencils

Hey that’s awesome! That’s motivation, getting a jumpstart before the course even starts? You’re going to nail it once it really gets going. :grin: How long is the course?

I think the course will take 18 months, I skipped a lot of basics when I tried to teach myself
how to draw so I thought a fundamentals course sounds like the right thing to do

It counts for a lot honestly. I went to art college, so I did all my basics there, and it was way too expensive :weary: fr, learning art fundamentals really is a worthy investment of your time if you like creating art. :heart:️ (But I highly recommend a cheaper way then I did LOL the way you are going sounds great!) I hope you really enjoy it! 18 months is a great timeframe too.

Hands really are a struggle, for most of us I think. So many bendy places lol
And line weight takes forEVER. I think you did a great job though :heart:️ I like that you added some squash to the face, it adds weight, gives life to your art :slight_smile:

Hahah yeah, grumpy characters are my next favorite to crazy ones xD

I have been lured by your skill at profiles into trying a profile, and I did three of them before I settled on this one (the others were erased, not even deleted because they were never saved), and I don’t love it but I don’t entirely hate it :skull:🤣 lol
I love that grin on your character! :grin: it’s got a lot of personality in it.

I’ll do a peace sign later 🤣 I spent too long on the profiles.

I don't know how much my opinion counts considering I'm not an artist but I really like it! And the things you posted before as well :blush:

Thanks so much :heart:️ I think I was feeling bad about it because I invested all my time into just the profile (where I tend to be kind of weak) then rushed on the rest of it :sweat_smile: and made a lot of mistakes, like drawing on the wrong layer more than once, and realizing the structure I laid down for the hair was at the wrong angle because I didn’t flip it enough, and should have added more layers/depth. It might be one of those “just being mean to yourself” things where you sit back and nitpick yourself butt would never do that to somebody else.