14839 / 19124
Mar 2023

I also have a hard time writing about men. What I do is imagine the same character but from a girl perspective with the same personality. It's not that I can't write about men I just don't enjoy it as much mentally. The personality can be the same but in my mind it's like meeehhh I prefer same thing but with a badass women. (Few exceptions here and there).

It is tough mentally. Why did I tell you this? Well, you can apply a similar concept to drawing. Instead of trying to add curves why not start small? For example, draw an androgynous character with a big jacket to cover said curves. Mentally imagine it is a small man with andorgynous traits but when you add the finishing touches make it a women.

Step by step start adding more feminine traits (like a small skinny man with long eyelashes and long hair). Going step by step while drawing something you are comfortable with will help you draw the opposite sex in a more natural way without being too much for your brain.

I´m trying around things / sketching for my novel which will probably be a graphic novel.
I will keep the style very minimalistic. Probably way more minimalistic than this.

I was thinking of Kevin (Sin City) when I drew Theresa even though the characters have nothing
in common

Hell yeah. Honestly she reminds me of Belle from Beauty and the Beast, I think it was the outfit. lol.

I like the nose and lips in that pic, @bunny.

Huuuh. Today's drawing.

Still working on the commission soooo. This one.

@bulgariansumo oh, I know the realistic motion of snot. I have 2 gross (but lovable) children :joy:

@bunny Thank you! I’m trying! I originally tried to do my comic in a cartoony Sonic the Hedgehog style but I couldn’t wrap my head around it (so the Ninja Turtle influence came out). Still trying to figure out how to draw these animal people (but we’re getting there). Also, great job on the sole of that sneaker! It looks awesome (and I’m totally projecting because I can’t draw a convincing sole of a shoe to save my life!).

@candiedcotton oooooo, that’s a fun and haunting piece. I love the expression here.

Finally feeling like I’m getting there with proper volumes for my wolf-deer’s face. Also finding a groove with the depiction of the teeth. I like a blocky, cartoony, mix-match of teeth shapes.

@candiedcotton now that u point it out I see the resemblance ! And omg that water effect :heart_03: I love how the linearts changes colors and how the rim light hits the face! My favorite part is the nose tbh :sweat_smile: this angle is so tricky for me but u nailed it ! :heart_03: (the hairstyle is also giving some Adora vibes :joy: don't come for me plz :sob:)

@DanielRKM finding an art style Is a difficult journey but we must persist! I loved ninja turtles as a child so I can see how it influenced your art. You're doing great so keep it up !

Did this yesterday but did not like it that much so no color 🤷‍♀️

Her skirt looks like one of those things we put sweets in 🤣

@EncryptedWriting I get it you don't have CSP, right? maybe this could be useful :thinking:

@bunny oh it does look like that sweets paper xD I love the poses you give her, they are so... lively and youthful :grinning:

@allenT you can do it! :triumph: and man, your details are so gorgeous, I can't :cry_01::heart: