14910 / 19078
Mar 2023

Fast sketch of Julia at her day at business school.

I rewrote the whole story in 2 days after talking to my brother and I tried to force myself
to write the outline like he does. The whole story from start to finish on one piece of paper.
The good thing is that I have a proper end now and it feels much more like a real story.
Storytelling is not easy but I´m getting better at it every day and it´s the first story I´m
actually happy with and which feels like a real story.

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@Calculus_Homework ah yes, more teeth please :smiling_imp:

@Lensing great job! :muscle: I don't think I ever had a finished story and I probably never will, and honestly I bow to people who are able to do it (one of the reasons I am in awe with my writer lol). Glad you were able to write it all down!

@MerrowBros suit guy is just great! :grinning:

@l_vi aw, they're so bright and cute :blush:

Finished lining Yara/Vulf and this one. Dunno how I will finish the colors, but I need to try.

It´s only the rough story so far.

Storytelling is really incredibly hard in a lot of ways. But at least I like the genre and I got
good characters, a problem and an end and the story is not overloaded with crap.

I will start making notes for the chapters now

@Kelheor you got this :muscle: colors are no match to you :smirk:

@IndigoShirtProd the thing that makes me super happy is that my oc not only gave me a joy while drawing but it also made YOU happy :cry_01: If you want to finish it (its already complete in my opinion) then go ahead ! (I've been braggin about it for hours !)

A lil She-ra sketch.


Colors are looking dope!
I'd say just push the orange light more and have yellow highlights on the peak points of their faces--at least that could be a step further. I get stumped with finishing color/lighting too :cry_01: