15039 / 19078
Mar 2023

I´m working on a simple way to draw cartoony figures which I will print for the kids that I´m teaching.
I´ll probably have to simpify this more

@Lensing these bring back a lot of childhood memories of step by step drawings pages in W.I.T.C.H magazines. I looked for them avidly! :hugging:
@DanielRKM I love the composition and how the shiny pink directs our way of reading the picture!

Ik that I don't have time to draw but I just couldn't resist polishing this a lil more :cry_01:

@Calculus_Homework she looks so cool indeed :grinning:

@Lensing looks like a good tutorial! But yeah, I see how you would probably want to simplify it even more for kids :smile: that's a really good way to make a pose.

@DanielRKM ohhhh, this shading rocks :metal::smiling_imp:

@bunny she's coming together really well :heart_03:

Trying to teach myself how to draw in batches, so today I am doing as much TiaT as I can.
Happy Vulf :tapa_mummy:

Thank you, yeah I will do a super simplified version but I want to include the torso drawing
because that really helped me.

A friend of mine showed me pictures of a portrait drawing class he did with kids and I was
surprised how well they understood the Loomis head. A different friend had a drawing class
and he said that didn´t want to learn anything at all and just wanted to draw like they were
always drawing. I hope I´ll have some kids who are motivated to learn

Thank u :persevere: The problem is, this is as far as im gonna get with this piece without me getting tired of it :cry_01: I can clean some edges try to liquefy some areas to fix stuff but thats it. I dunno how to take it a step further :disappointed: Maybe I should try looking at other people's art style and recreate it maybe ill understand stuff :joy:

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Happy Vulfgaar! :joy:
I've always been cuirious about how the nature of drawings look when they're done in batches

Love your color palettes dude! They're always so vibrant and warm :persevere: The kids have distinct personalities(I used to be the sleepy one as a kid now I enjoy looking from the window and listening to music :sweat_smile:) and they're adorable!

@bunny it's always ok to not finish something/leave it for later ^^ I am trying to get into more efficient drawing too now :cry_02:

@l_vi aw it's so sunny! I love how you're using all those summertime colors, they have such a lovely bright vibe :heart_02:

@LCT_m_a_d I honestly don't know if I do it right, but it never really worked for me, because I am getting tired of doing one thing for a long time, like only sketching episodes or only lining :see_no_evil: but the general idea is the same, I just sketched 7 episodes that I know are definitely planned and then proceeded lining them, just how I would usually do. Maybe I need to be more careful and track if the characters look right, because one thing is drawing them wrong in one episode prepared right on the publishing date, another is having a bad faces day and finishing lining a few episodes in this mood xD

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Please don't worry, I am pretty sure half of us here are not native English speakers :grin: