15129 / 19078
Apr 2023

As do all my characters :joy: I will definitely put it in my merch shop sometimes, it will look just right there :tapa_mummy:

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oh wow really?? that's interesting, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise, you probably saved a lot of time over the years without realizing it haha.

Haha, I wish.

I didn´t really care for a long time. I focused on making music at a certain age and
got back to drawing 8 years ago. I really had no clue about the human body and
not clue about drawing techniques. But everything has it´s time :smiley:

I'm glad you like it :cry_01: I had fun trying a more loose style with textures without worrying about it being perfectly blended :coffee_love:

Had to Google that up :joy: I think u did great with the likeness !:hype_01: Your art is just a blessing tbh :coffee_love:

Thanks, @bunny :coffee_love: it really means a lot. I have so many things eating my brain out with a spoon right now regarding my art lol.

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You're all so productive! everything here is so good! ;__;

I 'm going to do more stuff like this. Gotta do the reps, man. ᕦ(ò_óˇ) Also I don't draw at all outside page updates and it's not very fun.