15157 / 19078
Apr 2023

A personal, dare I say it, piece
"This too shall pass"


I don't need any help, but if anyone is struggling with their creative life for whatever reason and needs someone to talk to (or maybe just needs an art advice/review), I am here for you.

This time I kind of tried to use everything I have learned in this drawing =D
A fan art of Fury (Helena Kosmatos) -the replacement for golden age Wonder Woman, after Crisis in Infinite Earths deleted her from existance-
This was a fun exercises in choosing colors, composition, and trying to do animals! Never did that before. At least not like this n_n

Your character definitely has "Thanks, I hate it" energy :joy:
Thank you for sharing it! At the very least, it made my day! (and it's really quite swell!).

I had to start with traditional :sweat_smile: I only got a Wacom at university. I tasted the forbidden fruit I can't go back now :joy:
I looove that kitty :cry_01: So cute omg I wanna bite :eyes: :coffee_love: I approve of this random drawing :thumbsup:

@bunny :kissing_cat:
oh, I only got a tablet a few years ago myself xD before that I only ever drew with pencil :joy: I was never great with paint or pastels or anything else (or just never wanted to use them since it's too hard lol) :see_no_evil: one of the reasons I had/still kinda have problems with colors

@Legendofgenii ty!! :coffee_love: you can see how I am on a diet huh :joy:

(cute kitty kisses received :persevere: Thank u.) @Kelheor my mom is a middle school art teacher so i grew up dabbling with a lot of art supplies but I never got to master any of them :joy: looked for Prisma color pencils and winsor an Newton polychromos for years but they dont sell them here so I settled with watercolor pencils(can't stands pastel pencils,the chalky ones, they make awful paper scratching sounds ugh my skin crawls just thinking about it). Can't do watercolor to save my life and never tried oils. I enjoyed acrylics because of how opaque they are. Easy to cover mistakes hhhh.

Quick sketch of sexy woman :blusht: