@Enigma_the_Slimy_Boi happy birthday, Enigma!
@Legendofgenii aww, so glad to see your sketches! Baby
@DanielRKM ugh it's really so hard to tell what's your story is about in just a cover? Can't really say I can be helpful here if you are going for more drama than action, I suppose this one could be better, but honestly...
I think the logo looks well with the particular cover (maybe more leaves, less trunk), although you will have to work on the font, you probably don't want it to be so handwritten
A day of cleaning the windows and feeding squirrels. Random doodle from unshareable project xD
@Calculus_Homework the perspective is sick! I still struggle with those but u nailed it ! I like how u deconstructed the skull into simple shapes maybe ill try it too
@Legendofgenii woooow That horse and that unicorn !
Doggo is adorable
@l_vi I love it ! You don't need my permission dude its just a picture I picked from Pinterest
I love the face its beautiful
@DanielRKM I liked the first sketch but the logo not so much I honestly dunno how to give constructive criticism in this case
@Kelheor I feel you:sweat_01: Cleaning is so time consuming ugh.. On another note, unshareable you say.. the chibi is so relatable tho
Definitely do anything with basic forms! When your hand/eye understands the simple shapes super well, a lot of concepts like perspective become easier to tackle.
also, as a side note... some people still put emphasis on not using reference... use reference. It's seriously very helpful. If you don't know how something looks at a certain angle, get that ref out! At least until you feel confident without it.
From this drawing, I saw someone filled with grief and pain. I went to your series to read the summary and to see the main genres.
My suggestion after reading your summary is to add your OC with a tree on the side and some grave stones. It will add mystery plus show the pain of your OC.
You can go with many designs. You can show your MC clenching their fist in grief. You can show their back while facing the graves of their family near the tree. You could go with the current pose/expression but a bit far away to show the rest of the scene.
I feel like there's a lot you can do to show the grief and pain while keeping the mystery. Another option is to add a tree and instead of adding gravestones you can add something that represents that the OC's family died. It can be a picture with black ribbons, a cross (pseudo improvised grave), or your OC can place a flower with some stones representing a grave.
You can place your OC in a house with a picture of his family broken in the background plus a tree that can be seen through the window. You can add your MC watching a toy that his kid (if he had one) used with a flower on top, under the tree. Or something that represents his wife or whoever died. Usually, children pseudo graves get represented with their toys/plushies.
The ideas keep flowing with many things you can do with your cover.
You can even add a dead demon recently killed by MC in the background but make it subtle. Make it a small detail. Let it be something a viewer sees next after seeing the tragic scene of the OC's pain and after seeing the tittle/logo.
Your summary told me a lot about the plot and main genres. Try to show it with your cover. I do not know if the parents of your OC died or if the family was destroyed in a metaphorical way. (Read the few chapters but you haven't said anything of what happened yet.) Dead demons or demon skulls can show some action but if you do add them make it be the third thing people see in your cover. First the pain, then the tree, and finally the demons.
P.S. Hope this helps bring you ideas to your head. After all, you are the author and the only one who knows how the MC is in pain and how his family got destroyed.
P.S.S. In any cover we won't be able to know the whole story but it is important to show the reader the most important details. Think of it like a visual summary. This new drawing is a huge improvement by showing me the MC was in pain. You are only missing to add a way to convey to the viewer how he is in pain. I think graves or pseudo graves work perfectly for this (assuming people died). I do think a tree should be added since it represents the tittle/the family tree but that is your decision as the author. (I can see the leaves but a tree feels just right considering the tittle.)
Loved the horn in the tittle. I do agree with @Kelheor about adding more leaves and less trunk. It will depend on which direction you want to take your logo/tittle in.
Huge improvement from the previous tittle. I see this one more creative. Don't let your guard down, it can be a hit or miss depending on the colors you use and where you place it in your cover .
@Katzalcoatl Latest draft. I think it's telling my story much better, but let me know if there's anything that can be improved.Thank you so much for your time and energy already! I really enjoy the chance to hone my visual story-telling skills, so your feedback was a gift!
@bunny Ha! No worries! I appreciate it! I hope the most recent version of the logo looks okay. It's tough. I wanted to stay away from fantasy fonts, but hot dang, I don't know if I can. This feels like it fits (but, like, beveled fantasy fonts went out of style like 10 years ago, right? I dunno. At least I didn't use Lobster as a font).
@Kelheor Right?! I never even considered that the cover should tell a good chunk of the story, at least in a metaphorical way (which I feel silly about upon further reflection, but being raised in the '90s where cool covers were the norm, I never realized how much I needed to say with a cover). I also feel like I'm at a disadvantage on Tapas already since my characters are animals, but hot damn, they make the best metaphors for the many facets of humanity Either way, I at least like the exercise of honing visual story-telling skills. I ultimately opted for dead-looking tree in the logo and more leaves/fire in the background.
Everything is much better. With the colors everything is taking shape. That new logo looks pretty nice. If you still want to make it a GIF you can probably make the leaves move while they continue to burn (just an idea). Although idk how much Tapas allows in GIF covers. It would look pretty kewl having a static OC with leaves moving in the background.
Don't forget to move the small fires as well if you do make it a GIF.
And glad I could be of help.
Quick Example:
Since I caught THE RONA I decided to use my sick time to ink some old sketches and hammer away at an idea.
This was always my final team for Sephiroth. Cid lost his face because the paper wasn't meant for ink and brush pen and the erase lifted it off.
Some pike action and some sexy Vulcan action
The adventures of a band in a fantasy world not too different from ours.