15499 / 19124
May 2023

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My brother said this doodle reminded him of a New Yorker cartoon, so I had to add a caption that is both nonsensical and unfunny.

Finding the morning zen with background inks. I love love love long establishing shots now.

@Legendofgenii anytime you pick a dog up like that... the smooches are solicited. :joy: Loving these sketches and lines.

@Aleksei I love the variety of grey values you have going on. Really nice depth too. :ok_hand:

@MerrowBros Congratz on the doctorate!!! :tada:

@Lensing Exciting stuff! Those gestures are great for background figures!

@Kelheor Those lips though!! :yum: Goes really good with her eyes

@DanielRKM Nothing speaks Zen's like Forest and mountain backgrounds. Really like the scenery. :innocent:

Komodo Dragons pulling a chariot (the chariot is kind of an afterthought, but I like how the Komodo Dragons turned out in any case):

I've decided to go with a design that can be immediately clocked as The Muscle.

I'll figure out the colors later.

Could this be... inspiration? :pumpkin:
I had a small surgery yesterday and maybe the pain made my brain work lol

Bam! Teaser panels from my newest series! This will be the last one I do in traditional as moving forward, my upcoming slate of projects will use digital and be spectacular. Fun things are coming soon.

Does anyone remember the Atari 2600 game "River Raid"? For whatever reason, I was reminiscing of it and was thinking "What would a River Raid Webcomic would look like?" So, I made this quick finger sketch on my phone of a possibility of a River Raid Fan comic.

We didn´t have the game when we were kids but it looks familiar.
My brother probably owns it because he has a huge collection of atari 2600 games.

Taking another stab at my persona/avatar for my eventual graphic memoir. I decided I want to represent myself using a malfunctioning robot, so I whipped up these variants of myself throughout my nineteen years of life as a starter

For some reason any attempts to do simple stuff fails. New eye stuff and noses are wut?? Reworking my profile pic and super sketchy ish right now. Need to do her horns tomorrow. X-X

@EncryptedWriting I guess it's because you're trying new style? maybe try elaborate stuff if the simple doesn't work xD

Kelheor this, Kelheor that, meh meh meh
What day is it
My tongue still hurts lol