16583 / 19086
Sep 2023

here's the concept of the non existent comic of Spring Rubout, where she and her friends are about to perform necromance to seek answers to uncover a deep secret in the city

Guess who got sick :nervous_candy:
So here I am, sitting with cotton candy instead of my brain... rediscovering hatching or something, idk :sip:

Thanks, @Lensing! :yellow_heart:
Yeah I will go and drink all the tea with lemon in the world hahah

Working on the cover art. Hopefully someone will get the reference but it might be too deep of a cut.

Been having a stressful few weeks, needed to draw something that makes me happy

My brain is a mush, so I am coloring. Very. Mindlessly.
But hey, it seems to be working.

How do you decide the color of the outlines?
Do you first make them black and adjust them later?

Yeah, I always sketch in black, and only change the outlines color on some art. Usually just reddish colors, darker on the outside outline and brighter/lighter on the inside for the nose/lips and such! Depending on the general color tones, of course, if the picture is blue, I'd go for blueish. Some artists are doing cool stuff with contrast lines, but I never feel that working for me :sweat_smile:

I like how it looks, every time I try something like that it ends up looking horrible

A mix of quick sketches which I do while writing a christmas story and the daily Loomis routine,
today was back view day. I think I will continue doing this, I sketched on the train today without
reference and I feel like my freehand drawings got a little better. I´m still far from being able to draw
freehand without sketching, it always ends up looking like I´m 11 again

I went to Little Tokyo in Düsseldorf today, I ate running Sushi and soup, bought a lot of comics
in the comic shop and some Mochis for my niece

Really feeling that :see_no_evil:
So yeah, working in warm, but not overly crazy tones seems to be fine. Basically start with brown/deep reds. Also adding just a bit of very bright ones where the light might hit hard!

Oh, I tried the video service @Legendofgenii recommended, let's see if it works.

It does, yay!

Not been v productive lately, but here's Eliaz being vulnerable bc apparently you're not a character in this story unless you've cried so

Wanna come sit with me on this couch? :couch: :smiley: :art:
Tapas Magma Artboard is now open the theme is Relaxing
Here's my wip of Owen playing videogames but you are welcome to draw your OC doing anything you find relaxing on couch. For your OC's height reference Owen is a 12 year old boy, around 4.89 FT (149 cm)

Realized I never posted the finished sketch from the previous Tapas artboard, so here's a snap of it, had collaborated with @zixixibi and @rien

Drew this guy:

@Kelheor Gorgeous linework and love the hand pose :hand_splayed: :art:
@Lensing awesome Christmas spirit sketches! :christmas_tree: Yep a real cool challenge using zero references on those back sketches too? :bullettrain_side:
@KSlinger lol @ crying cast of characters, thinking about it my series may not be too far behind. Awesome job capturing that feeling of him hiding it with the thumb and shades :thumbsup: