17189 / 19124
Nov 2023

Another re-do of an old comic page, and all I have to say its... HOW MUCH TALK THERE WAS ON THE OLD COMICS!!!
Comics nowadays barely speak in comparison. Batman mostly grunts.
The original is from Young All-Stars v1 #5, page 4.

A quick lil drawing of Azzy and Lydia, need to get used to drawing them again after a long break form the comic :cry_01:

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So, I have this board game; the premise being here:

And to supplement it, I wanted to make character designs based on the game pieces.

Obviously, there's more that goes into making a board game, but making all those cards isn't as fun as character design. Plus, I lost the sketch all these designs were originally in and I thought it'd be a good idea to draw them for future reference. They're plumbers by the way.

Finished the cover I had sketched out and decided to add a little frame to it. Also, you can probably tell I hate drawing flowers, lol.

This piece of my latest ch 15.1 gave my shoulders/arm a hard time :joy:

This is where I'll introduce Delilah's outfit redesign. I was going to give her a new outfit early on around Chapter 5 but considering the alarming number of people that have mistaken her as Scamp's mother and not his older sister (probably due to her floor length dress, I gotta address that issue now than later, dont I?

Hey everyone, long time no I see I haven't posted on the forums in like forever :wave:

What's everyone up to?
I have been working on a side project of mine, a fakemon region of my own


Some panels from a short oneshot. Still trying to nail down a design for one of the characters.

Oop drama
Tied up elf kicks a fish man whilst a fancy compass man threatens someone uh