17359 / 19081
Dec 2023

Expression practice. Something I really ought to practice more. Actually, I should practice more in general XD

I finally discovered the true power of the 6B pencil in procreate

I want to draw a background, but it would be more time consuming than just drawing characters and simple objects and setting.
Perhaps I've been delving out of my comfort zone for too long.

I was thinking of that. Like her desk on her bedroom. Yet it requires several iterations of what her bedroom looks like.

Some storyboards I've done recently. I've been so distracted by everything lately but I'm chalking it up to upcoming holidays.

In my seemingly never ending quest to start posting diary comics to Tapas again, I made a series cover. Dunno when it’ll release. Soon, hopefully.

Trying to make a treasure chest look expressive. I really need more practice with Fang’s expressions. I mostly just draw him going :neutral_face: or :angry:

My favorite is the bottom right. Fang explaining how he brutally murdered your family :skull:

Oh gosh I love him. Especially the one with the smirk while he’s talking.