17365 / 19084
Dec 2023

I was thinking of that. Like her desk on her bedroom. Yet it requires several iterations of what her bedroom looks like.

Some storyboards I've done recently. I've been so distracted by everything lately but I'm chalking it up to upcoming holidays.

In my seemingly never ending quest to start posting diary comics to Tapas again, I made a series cover. Dunno when it’ll release. Soon, hopefully.

Trying to make a treasure chest look expressive. I really need more practice with Fang’s expressions. I mostly just draw him going :neutral_face: or :angry:

My favorite is the bottom right. Fang explaining how he brutally murdered your family :skull:

Oh gosh I love him. Especially the one with the smirk while he’s talking.

I gave Josh the advice to try the 8 steps story circle by Dan Harmon and
then I wrote an episode featuring goold old Regina and tried it out myself.
I think it´s a good and simple way to write

I've spend the past few days making a short animated sequence.
Here's a colour scheme sheet of the protagonist.

I´m using the story circle that I did yesterday and today I´m doing sketches for the
panels for the story. The working title for the episode is "workplace whimsy"
Regina comes back to the office after her vacation. Her side kick gets introduced
in the episode and also her 1st arch enemy.

Christmas Special still WIP... Lyza looks so girly and cute in this one.