17396 / 19086
Dec 2023

My condolences, Daniel. It's awful losing somone close to holidays. You're doing a good thing for yourself with drawing through grief. It'll get better, just may take some time. Hang in there. You have my prayers.

Ah, so sorry for your loss, Daniel. Skin cancer is awful. A friend of mine died from it a few years back.

Hey friend, sorry for your loss of your friend and condolences. May his soul rest in peace during this Christmas time. God bless.

Here is a quick sketch of the skinhead guy from saturday.
He was really super annoying, he was already there (and drunk) before the doors
of the venue were open. Then we did the soundcheck and I told him politely to
go out of the club when we soundcheck. Later at the show he was standing
in front of the stage and was annoying. We were finished with our set and
girls came to me and told me that the skinhead guy was harassing them and
tried to touch them. I wasn´t sure what to do / what the right thing to do is.
I went on stage again and said into the microphone and hold a little speech
about what he did, that I don´t accept this and so on and then I got him
kicked out. I think that was the best solution.

I´m kind of proud of the sketch, because this is exaclty how he looked like :smiley:

I guess from afar, that was the best thing to do in this conflict. Heres to you! Tea, that is XD

The problem is that there is no perfect solution for this + situations like that happen almost every night.
There is one phsysical fight every 10 shows, it´s just a question of time until something bad happens

Just a quick Kyara concept sketch. The concept being a possible sequel series Kyara :thinking:

Did a lil' x-mas drawing for my newest story. And also because I wanted to test my new watercolor texture brush, lol.