18944 / 19124
Dec 2024

I'm suffering from the same thing, honey. the struggle is real TT

Someone on Bluesky asked me who Roxie's favorite crewmate is. She doesn't have one, but I felt like that would be a cop out answer, so I drew this.

I also sketched some characters' families over the past week.

New sketch I might turn into an illustration if I ever get around to finishing it

Recent doodles I colored! Also I made Geoffrey’s butt stick out too much I just kinda went with it lol :sob: sometimes it be that way I guess …

Sketched out a redraw of an old cover. Might fix it up and finish it because I need to update the cover

Decided to start with finishing some sketches from the last couple of years
The amount of unfinished stuff is tearing me apart, but I am taking on the path to finish at least some of them

You know what I am tired of? Considering myself subpar. Sosososoosososososooo very tired. Now let me change it.

working on some new prints for this year's expo line up. here's a WIP of something cuuuuute

okay, feels like i'm spamming, but I am trash at keeping up with posting whenever i get done with drawings. So this is part of another doodle page I did months ago.
this is burgergirl. it will maybe be a sticker?

Okay I am taking one step back to consider how my social media should look like? I am not excited with my Insta page... I am not exactly sure what I can do and how I should approach it, but I guess whatever I put on social media better have a particular look to it. Obviously I can't do a full rendered art every day, but I still need to put some thought in this.