18949 / 19124
Jan 19

New sketch I might turn into an illustration if I ever get around to finishing it

Recent doodles I colored! Also I made Geoffrey’s butt stick out too much I just kinda went with it lol :sob: sometimes it be that way I guess …

Sketched out a redraw of an old cover. Might fix it up and finish it because I need to update the cover

Decided to start with finishing some sketches from the last couple of years
The amount of unfinished stuff is tearing me apart, but I am taking on the path to finish at least some of them

You know what I am tired of? Considering myself subpar. Sosososoosososososooo very tired. Now let me change it.

working on some new prints for this year's expo line up. here's a WIP of something cuuuuute

okay, feels like i'm spamming, but I am trash at keeping up with posting whenever i get done with drawings. So this is part of another doodle page I did months ago.
this is burgergirl. it will maybe be a sticker?

Okay I am taking one step back to consider how my social media should look like? I am not excited with my Insta page... I am not exactly sure what I can do and how I should approach it, but I guess whatever I put on social media better have a particular look to it. Obviously I can't do a full rendered art every day, but I still need to put some thought in this.

hooooo boyyyyy

I think if you are to stay on IG but you want some "cleanup" or a new look, maybe keep the line art and sketches or any black and white stuff to stories? That way, you can post multiples in a day whether they're unfinished or not. (Then you can organize them into those little thingies on your profile in case anyone wants to see the drawings again and flip through them.) I think more people check out stories and reels than actual profile pages on IG nowadays, though. What are your views on that?

imho, IG isn't the way to go--it may have been years ago, like between 2013-2016. I think you'll see greater strength in sharing your works elsewhere, like on Cara or Bluesky or uhhhh something else. But that is merely my opinion! If you already have a following/audience going on IG, then it is understandable to want to keep that and keep people interested.

Side note: your art is lovely, and i think anyone would be interested in seeing your stuff whether it be fully rendered or not!

Thanks for the input!
Yeah, short videos are definitely not my preferred way on any social media :werebork: it's an extra freaking work. But I suppyI need to look into what other artists are doing, maybe I will find something that doesn't require me to do a bunch of extra stuff on top of what I do. I haven't thought on the putting stories into circles much, thank you! I mean, I know the feature exist, but I haven't really used it much.
I am on Bluesky, doing...my best, I suppose xD
I know there are artists who are doing great with b/w artworks and sketches, so I guess I just need to make those more appealing if I want to put them in the feed.
Thanks again for sharing, @Calculus_Homework, I really appreciate the advice. I always feel like I am late for every social media opportunity, but maybe it's not too late to reinvent myself.

I just updated my banner cover for my series here on tapas!
I am so excited to get to these softer parts of the comic.
My favorite thing next to horror, is fluff so. Feel free to check it out :3