16 / 21
Mar 2021

Clarification: This thread isn't meant to poke fun at the sub 4 sub practice. In fact, I don't think it's an inherently bad practice at all. I think sub-for-sub threads are good for new creators. This way they can meet new people at the forums and be more familiar with the overall tapas' dynamics.

I made this thread as a shitpost basically. So let's just have fun.

This is a pretty good recipe, it serves 1-2 giants, you have to put a lid on it while it's cooking though, or it just makes a big mess. The ingredients can be kind of hard to come by but most villages have them hidden away here or there, and they're always restocking.

Oh, and uh... heres my novel I guess...

Your soup is fine, i like that you have a spoon for me to use. 10/10.

sub for sub is a must. i literally stopped posting for three days and my rate of subscription dropped by half.

Death of the author let's me say that this post IS a social critique of the sub4sub posts lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, needs more salt and a little something more to it. Salt will make it more palatable but it will still be sort of plan. Maybe go a bit harder on the inclusion of greens?

I found a soup with a similar color palette as my comic:

It's purple cauliflower and sweet potato, which sounds...interesting?

Looking at that soup has made me realize Annie's Mac and Cheese has ruined shell noodles for me if I see them in anything that's not Mac&Cheese :rofl:

Love this :joy::joy::joy: