4 / 19
Sep 2023

Im intrigued to know what manga or anime or whatever media is out there driven/inspire you to start drawing webtoon in the first place.

I'm currently having an art block so I love to read stuff like this to kinda lift me up :slight_smile:

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    Aug '23
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    Sep '23
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My cousin had a webcomic called The Spirit of Creativity on Smackjeeves back in the day and she was my main inspiration for starting to draw in an anime style which eventually morphed into the style I have today.

My main motivation for drawing comics is because I just love to do it and it’s therapeutic for me in some ways. I just love drawing so much!

Awww, this is so sweet!!! Man, its been a while since ive heard Smackjeeves :laughing:

I made a webcomic because it was faster than learning to animate & cheaper than making a film. :joy:

That aside, I get big inspo from work by Johane Matte (Rufftoon) who did storyboarding for Avatar The Last Airbender1 and other things. I never watched Avatar The Last Airbender but the style of those short comics of hers are definitely the source of some hard inspiration.

I've spent years now working on other people's IP as an illustrator, games artist etc. My webcomic is the place where I get to be the boss and make something that's all mine. It belongs to me and I get to make the creative decisions and try things out to see what works. A lot of the time working on other people's IP, it's like... you can come up with a creative idea, but you'll get shot down because it's "too risky", "it won't work", and so it's nice to have a place where I can test things out and see if that's really the case or not, where failure would only affect me, not other people reliant on the project succeeding.

I used to thumbnail stories in a notebook when I was a teen. I don’t know if I even planned to do anything with them. I later learned about webcomics and sort of wanted to eventually make one.

Part of making comics is to distract myself from bad things happening in my life. Like when Covid started, I was able to get back into making comics. Part of it is also nostalgia, because I like working with characters I created in my youth.

wait did you study film & animation or something before?

I agree!! She's amazing!! I searched for her other works after saw avatar, and it was amazing, some of them are kinda cute too

Man.. I love watching this show so much! Every characters are so interesting and have a great development. I suggest you tried watch it if you have a spare time ~

True True. I understands you. Ive been working in a publishing company before and help writing some novels. I hate when they ask us to go the cliche cuz it sells, and the cliche ere arranged marriage, this playboy stereotypical douvhebag, etc.

I respect you for this. I can't go back to my old drawing cuz its ugly and everytime i see what kinda characters that I drew, I would cringing so hard :sob:

Yaay another Rufftoon disciple! I actually tried watching ATLA once but it's just not my bag unfortunately. Which is a shame because I've heard really good things! And it's obviously a v good showcase for character arcs bc it crops up all the time in discussions & is known for some of the best.

There was definitely stuff that was bad and cringy. That was one of the struggle I had adapting one of the old scripts to a webcomic, all of it had to be updated and rewritten. I also had to update a bunch of my OCs because their old versions were so obnoxious or their backstories made no sense.

Never read anime or watched manga. My comic was inspired by a classic "dumb blonde" moment. I overheard my uncle and mom talking about "fryers" (chickens, at 3-4 pounds sent to slaughter), but my naive, suburban brain thought "Friars? Friar chickens?" I pictured this chicken with a shaven head (like a Fransiscan Friar from the Middle Ages) running amok and preaching/crowing out his beliefs and this eventually got me started writing material for a story. The story grew a lot, and changed from comedy to drama real quick based on how I want it to end, so now I'm working to tell this weird and maybe fun story for the sake of the story.

Currently? A need to do something else while I slowly grind my way through (intentionally) lumbering bureaucracy and (intentionally) collapsing provincial healthcare system.

I wouldn't say it was inspired, my current comic was brought on by a mental breakdown. It's a mix of all the negative things I've internalized throughout my life, awful abuse and SA stories people dumped on me, mental health struggles, other difficulties. My comic is a vent thing, working on it helps me deal with shit better.

On a more conventional note I do have other stories on the back burner that are inspired by various things like Lovecraft's gods, the life and death cycle, nature, classic monster stories, etc. I may or may not ever get to them given they're much longer than my current comic, and the one I'm working on has taken me like 8 years to get halfway. I don't have enough years in my life to work on anything else. Lol

I really like seeing my story come to life, I really hope that other people like it too, but for the most part the person who wants to see the next chapter uploaded is me because I really like the story I'm making :))

I've been drawing manikins for decades. During the occupation and finally the downfall of the Dannenrod Forest in Germany I felt the urge to make things seen. So I drew. Satirical stuff creates more frustration on the opponents' side, so I kept drawing cartoons. I am well aware of the fact that not many people see them, but some do and that makes me happy. I don't want to draw for my desk-drawer only, I am not Franz Kafka :smiley:

I think it all started with Trails in the Sky (which I played in Chinese before it was cool) and to a lesser extent, the Ys series :stuck_out_tongue: My very first webcomic attempt, Carefree, has elements that were blatantly taken from the two, like:

  • the setting has 5 regions: a rural one, a business one, a tech one, a seaside one, and the capital (just like Liberl from Trails in the Sky) :stuck_out_tongue: The tech region was even called 'Geiss', when the tech city in Trails is 'Zeiss' :rofl:
  • a well-intentioned extremist antagonist who uses the story's macguffin to protect their country (like Trails in the Sky)
  • said antagonist's plan involves shooting the continent up into the sky (Ys I and II)
  • the MCs are basically bracers, whose home is the rural region, where the story starts (Trails)

There were also elements blatantly ripped from other media:

  • The rural town's name is Undersee (Hunger Games)
  • Said rural town is inspired by the Amish, at least the way they're depicted in the film 'Witness'

So yeah, that's the stuff that inspired me to start drawing webtoon in the first place :stuck_out_tongue: My current inspirations have drifted quite a bit, but that's how it all started :sweat_02: