4 / 31
Dec 2018

So today, the 24th of December, is this birb birthday (it's 00 am atm :v) .

Since no one will remember or cares about it, I want you guys to just write or whatever so I can feel that my life worth living feel good about myself for a day.

say yes if you cringe :v

So about the event. I'll be giving out 100 inks for everyone that have the support unlocked as long as you replied below with a link to your profile page so I can support you each.

I have limited inks and I'll be participating in Christmas inks exchange, so I could only gives 100 inks per person.

Event ended at 25th.

So, uh, see ya.

  • created

    Dec '18
  • last reply

    Dec '18
  • 30


  • 2.3k


  • 26


  • 103


  • 3


Your birthday matters. You matter. You are the only you who is ever going to exist in this world, and that deserves a celebration!

:gift: Happy Birthday! :birthday::balloon:
Please have a wonderful day (but first get some sleep UvU)

I have Ink locked But I don't care

You're such a sweet cinammon roll, too good for this world, we don't deserve you, I wish I was able to meet you in real life And make you feel as special as you actually are!!! Happy brithday bruh/sis/orwhatereveryouidentifyyourselfas.

say yes if you cringe
If you're cringing and you know it, stomp your feet.

I poke fun because that is what I do for better or worse. On a more serious tone (comparably), you have been a helpful and productive member of this community. From our point of view, your previous year has been very much having to all of us. Metalbird, we congratulate you on the completion of your latest circumnavigation of the Sun.

Happy birthday bird-sibling!
You've been amazing this year, and we all really appreciate your contributions!
So here's to another year of you being awesome! ^^

Happy Birthday! :tada:
(I know it sucks when you don't have anything to do on your birthday to make it feel special... But as the others say you are awesome! :smiley: And don't let anyone tell you otherwise XD )

Happy bday/xmas eve! If ever you feel down about not having a traditional celebration with others, I suggest treating yourself to something? Order fave takeout or even bake yourself a cake?

Happy Birthday! I miss talking to you on Discord and also wanting to know if you got the stickers.

Happy Birthday! Have a great day and thanks for inks! (It's like your birthday and Christmas all rolled into one!)

Here's my series.

Happy Birb-day! I hope you spoil yourself a little IRL, especially if the people around you aren't doing so. :fire:

happy birthday

you have the same bday as my grandma

cheers to both of you

Where I live, it's the 23rd, but I don't care! Happy birthday!!!! :grinning: And yes, your birthday matter why wouldn't it? It was the day God made you! So obviously you matter to someone and more! (including me :grin:)

Hope you have a golden birthday even if you are a silver raven and even if it`s Christmas.

My birthday ocasionally matches easter, so i kinda understand how you feel.

Hope you enjoy this day and remember, it`s fun to talk to you, joke around, or share some silly videos :grinning:

Happy Birthday! Make it a good one ^^ Good vibes from me!

Have a wonderful birthday, eat a lot of nice things and I hope you receive beautiful messages from people who loves you. It's a nice gesture from you sharing this with us, It really amaze me your generosity, thank you very much!