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Jun 2023

Various characters have torso and legs in different sizes not counting the head, whether they have small torso and legs to insanely big torso and legs What is the between the ratio of the size of a character's torso and legs?

  • created

    Jun '23
  • last reply

    Jun '23
  • 5


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  • 9


Generally speaking if you divide a body in half, one half is the length of the legs and the other half is from the head to the waist. So if you remove the head and neck you get:

Length legs - length neck and head = length torso

I think that's how I would do it

Generally, the crotch is the middle of the body. Everything else will depend on the art style.

Yeah, but I'm talking about the size of torso and legs in characters depending on character design, a chibi character would have a small torso and legs and a character with shorter proportions would have a torso and legs that's a little larger than a chibi's.

That´s one of my favorite topics when it comes to anatomy.

The torso ratio / measurement is exactly the same for a midget like it is for Andrew the giant.
Only that the midget has shorter legs and arms in comparison. The dimensions/ratio of the
ribcage is identical.
I find that way more helpful than measuring the body in 7,5 or 8 head units. The torso is
(for me) the most important part in figure drawing and it´s very convenient that this part
has the same dimensions for every human.

Here are some examples of what I mean. I always used exactly the same torso and placed
it over different figures. The only consisent part is the ribcage. The arms / leg ratio have nothing
to do with the ratio of the ribcage, there is no connection.
It´s the same for humans which are 6 or 8 heads tall. Short or long legs

The last picture is a scaled up version of the midget, ribcage identical, but different arm and leg length
and you can´t apply the crotch method to it

Nice info, the torso is important in figure drawing and torso measurement is the most important. BTW, it's Andre the giant, not Andrew.