1 / 18
Apr 14

I'm wondering how artists measure the width of face, there's no standard width of drawing faces, it varies from the art style, age and gender. how many centimeters is a wide and narrow face? how do artists measure it?

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    Apr 13
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    Apr 14
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I don’t think I’ve ever met a singular artist that’s considered how many centimeters long their characters face is, and go by what looks right. I think your average artist just thinks

“if it doesn’t look like this, it’s good enough”

Keep mind, there's no consistent width for faces since pencils, pens and stylus on a brush don't make perfect lines for the face, I didn't know that artist had said that.

I feel the goal is symmetry more than getting everything into some sort of Golden Ratio ideal. People will accept all sorts of strange head shapes, but they'll balk when a single eye is misaligned.

Most artists aren’t drawing faces to scale. Depending on the drawing it could be less than a centimeter to several meters long.

Are you talking about facial proportions?

Artists make asymmetrical lines/shapes in faces and they always do it, BTW, there's no golden ratio in art, nothing is ideal though.

artists don't draw the face to scale, I was talking about the face width, depending how artist draws on the surface, they'll be meters long or less than centimeter.

No. Sorry If I sound like a bot. I do know that Chibis are drawn with wide faces.

Well, there are different ways to meassure.
Some people just don't think about it but have assimilated how "a face should look like" by either repetition, observation and similar.

There are some step that can be simplified depending on what aesthetic are you looking for.
However, here is a video for portrait that explains measuring faces and such

I think you can find more tutorials, techniques and more by checking out Google or Youtube.

There are no consistent way of drawing faces, the width depends on the art style and character.

Because not everyone has the same width of face...that is the reason why this question can't exactly be answered. There are standards/generalizations, but not every person will fall into those- some people have wider faces, while others faces will tend to be/look narrower.

well, there no universal standards/generalizations, everyone has wider or narrower faces, but which part of their face makes it wide?

What are you asking exactly? Because this seems like a question with real concrete answers. Like w,as this just for the sake of discussion or are you actually looking for advice on facial proportions when it comes to drawing?

But, to throw my two cents in, the wideness of a person face has to do with their facial bone structure and musculature that lies on top

I'm sure there are anatomy books that cover the general distances each part of the face is from the other. Like I've heard that the distance in between the two inner corners of the eyes is the length of one eye. There is a general outline to anatomy that most artists try to follow, but you can play fast and loosed with some rules and still make appealing art. Unless you're a very technical artist making hyperrealistic art, you shouldn't feel the need to subscribe to strict rules about proportions. I mean, keep it in mind but it doesn't have to be at the forefront.

thanks for the advice, i'm learning how to draw, I'll play with the proportions of the body and face.