9 / 9
Feb 2019

So I just relaunched my webcomic. I completely changed my style and could use some feedback before working on the next page. Also I enjoy doing backgrounds and would like to do more so if you have a pic you'd like a background scene for leave it here or PM. Of course excuse me if I won't be able to get them all done right away.

Thank you in advance. LCT

  • created

    Feb '19
  • last reply

    Feb '19
  • 8


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Sounds very intriguing, since I definitely have problems with drawing backgrounds by myself! Can you please provide examples of what kind of backgrounds, of what complexity and size are you ready to draw?

I'll give you feedback in any case, but a bit later, when I'll rest a bit. :slight_smile:

I haven't seen the previous version so I can't really compare the two, however; I quite like the painted style. Some parts were a bit hard to see because the paintings aren't very "sharp". I found myself staring a bit at the head trying to figure out where the face was at times.

There were also a few typos. You can just toss your text into a spell checker/grammar checker before putting it in your comic. :slight_smile:
Ep.2 - Frame.4: miliseconds -> milliseconds
Ep.2 - Frame.6: thier -> their

You have a nice style, just a little hard to see.

I tried to blur some things out to sharpen other parts but I guess that wasnt a good idea. I'll need to review where that's not working out so well and figure something out. Thanks for the heads-up.
Also, Thank you for those grammer catches!

And of course would you like a backround scene? It can be anything really and I'll give it a shot.

The style could be improved by being conscious of your edges. Almost all of your edges are so soft that they blur into each other and it's a bit hard to focus. Create some harder edges to define important shapes and hone in on your focal points. Generally the closer/more detailed/more important something is, the cleaner the edges should be. The farther away/less important, the less edge distinction is necessary. In this image for instance, I'd want the basic silhouette and facial expressions to be more clear since they're the focal point, so I'd give them harder edges.

This page does a good job describing edges,2 and will hopefully help explain further what I mean. Keep playing around with it until you find what works for you! You might also check out other artists who have really loose styles and see how they handle similar issues. Good luck!

Thank you! That was a clear explaination.
I'll pretty much devote my entire next page to addressing the edges.

Also do you want a background scene?

Glad it helped! I don't need a background, but keep up the good work!

Some critique.

1. I find the font and bubble style somewhat inconsistent with the style of the art in comics itself. So I've made some suggestions about a bit different bubble style and different fonts options and illustrated them.


First of all, I've applied the Bevel/Emboss to the bubble ( not sure, how exactly this photoshop tool is named in english version ) to make it edges look more organic - at least, in my opinion. Then experimented with fonts, trying to pick these ones, which would fit art style, for example:
- Lithos pro font

- SWSimp font
- SWTxt font
If you like some of them and will decide to seriously using these fonts in your work, I'd suggest to check terms of using these fonts in creative works attentively. It would be inconvenient to redo all letterings if it will suddenly appear that you've violated terms. I haven't checked them, they are just some random non-standard fonts, likely appeared at my computer with some piece of software, but I don't remember for sure, where are they from.

2. Such a blurred style of art make understanding facial features and expressions much more complicated task. I had to gaze into each picture to understand them, and still not always succeed.

3. Too much text, with mentioning too much unfamiliar things at once, to my taste. Some people may feel intrigued with it, but I (and many other people in the similar cases) feel overwhelmed because of it.

Some positive feedback.

1. Despite your art style makes things less distinguishable, in the same time it makes them look more dynamic.

2. Worldbuilding seems promising. Unfortunately, I don't remember much from your series before relaunching, so I can't estimate possible changes in worldbuilding. But it seems that you treat this aspect thoughtfully, and good setting always makes stories more interesting.

Good luck!

Thanks for this. A lot of helpful reference. Also if you'd like a background drawn let me know. It can be anything really. Ill give it a shot