84 / 104
Apr 2021

Iron Man 1-3 movies are so boring. I fall asleep every time I watch them.

Much agreeable for me I think it is just strange

I'm not sure if these are unpopular opinions, but 1) I did not like Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, 2) sometimes I don't care so much about the plot of the movie and just like to experience being in a different place: the scenery, costumes, etc. and 3) sometimes I like low-budget/older movies better, because less pizazz and CG abilities means that they have to focus more on good writing and an interesting plot. Oh! and it really annoys me when the characters in a movie speak really softly and then the music or sound effects are really loud so you have to keep adjusting the volume :grimacing: .

Wonder Woman is a horrible movie and does nothing to empower women imo. It's a long boring slog and Wonder Woman ultimately solves the problem by punching a guy despite her boyfriend saying "You can't resolve the war by punching a guy." I'm not a fan of generic boring films that claim to empower women without actually doing anything to really empower them except give them a hand out...

3 months later

Oh, we recently talked about this in my film class.
The main problem with wonder woman is that she is "exploited". It's like a hero is being designed, and someone said let's make this hero a woman thus there's no depth in her. Being a woman is not in her character, not her "trait". This character could as well be a man and the movie would still work.

Ooh! someone revived this thread! Yay!

Not really unpopular opinions:

  • Bicentenial man is charming, but don't know if it held up
  • What dreams may come, despite its pretentious title is a great film, buy many can only watch it once. Maybe not an unpopular opinion. Don't know if it held up
  • Titan A.E. Could have been something if it would have been released years later. Maybe around mass effect's 1, time. Don't know if it held up.
  • Most modern Movies and TV shows are concerned with pushing a message (agenda) and not even in a smart, subtle way.

About LotR,
When I first read book one, as a child, I imagined Aragon to be taller and black, Legolas to be shorter and more peter panish?
I have no objection towards the movie Legolas :D, but the movie Aragon really really disappointed me in that matter..

The Sonic movie sucked... like I legitimately dont understand why this unfunny movie is so popular. It wasnt even entertaining bad, just really boring and uninteresting, like any other cartoon enters the real world premise. Why does Sonic get a free pass, but Woody Wood pecker is panned as being bad, theyre both essentially similar story beats, obnoxious unfunny cartoon character in real life. Like all I do know is people get overly excited over fan service, but really if you replaced sonic with any other unfunny cartoon character from the 80s and 90s people would have hated the film because it wasnt Sonic. Just because the design got fixed doesnt mean the movie got better...

2 years later

Here's my unpopular movie opinion.

Despite it's massive success, the forming Marvel Studios was huge mistake; simply because how is a film studio whose sole purpose is to bring only comic book related content even supposed to be sustainable in the long run.
I mean I love comic books and like comic book movies and television series, but even I get sick of them and need a break from them quite often. A proper film studio, like life, should be about rich variety of content, not just superheroes all the time.

Big Hero 6 wasn't good. There. Everyone I know loves it and is sad about Tadashi and I'm still mad it beat out The Boxtrolls, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, and Song of the Sea at the Oscars (even though that award really means nothing). The movie was forgettable, the villain reveal wasn't good, and I felt nothing during the explosion scene.

The last good Disney animated movie not to come from Pixar was Tangled.

And the only good new Star Wars movie is Rogue One.

alright you asked for it

Avengers Endgame is Trash, it's contrived badly written and that Double bladed sword Thanos uses is ridiculous. The Hulk get's stronger after absorbing radiation, yet when he snaps the glove it hurts him?! Like... wut? That's just dumb, nobody else is bothered by that. It's like the God of Thunder going down to a Taser it's just idiotic.. Sigh that last one I didn't make up that's Thor Ragnorok in a nut shell >.<.

The Blair Witch Project is boring, not scary and dull as dishwater. I get it started a trend of Found footage horror movies that would execute it's premise far better but why would I be scared of rocks for pete's sake?

Plan 9 from outer space is an enjoyable movie and is perfectly serviceable as a popcorn flick.

I like Amazing Spider-man 2 it's not perfect but Andrew Garfield is amazing as Spider-man and his chemistry with Emma stone is legendary.

The Super Mario bros movie didn't do it for me, it was too full of references to the games and tried far too hard to course correct the original Live Action Mario Bros movie. It needed to scale the references back a bit and the Licensed soundtrack doesn't fit the movie at all. I like the composed video game remixes but it should have stuck with those. Chris Pratt also isn't that great at voicing Mario he's ok but he's not great.

Toy Story 4 is a tyre fire and they should have stuck with just 3 movies. Bo Peep is a radically different character all of a sudden and Buzz does absolutely nothing the whole movie for some reason..

In fact a lot of Pixar isn't that great from a storytelling perspective. Once the wow factor of the 3D technology wore off, the world building issues in a lot of their films is genuinely awful. I mean even in the original Toy Story Buzz doesn't think he's a toy yet when humans walk in and see him he pretends he's an inanimate toy... That's not to say I dislike the original Toy story, 2 or 3 but a lot of Pixar's later movies have many of the same problems as their earlier films.

Free Guy was so awful I quit video games to read comics all day instead (In fairness I prefer comics anyway). I've no regrets tbh that movie may have done me a favour but it's still god awful. It doesn't use it's video game references well at all and it has the opposite problem the Super Mario Bros movie has in that it doesn't have enough video game references. There's the Halo Tank, The portal gun and that's about it. Throughout the film you're told there's a ton of glitches yet the movie never once shows you watch a glitch looks like or demonstrates one for the audience to see. It's like being told you're in a post apocalyptic world only for it to be sunny outside with wonderful weather and a car to move past in the background.

Ryan Reynolds has one of the most trash careers of any hollywood talent in history, I mean he's in Green Lantern, Blade Trinity, X-men Origins Wolverine, Best Friends, The Van Wilder movies. His filmography ranges from mediocre to terrible, he saved his career by getting people to ironically like him because his films were so bad. Which is a shame because I think he's perfectly talented, but just got unlucky with what roles he chose.

I was rewatching some old Disney movies with my kids and I realized most of them were about finding love and true love. Which made me wonder who thought these stories were suitable to make into kids movies. :eyes:

I didn’t like the movie either. The dialogue writing and pacing was horrible in my opinion.

Any Disney movie made before the 80s was not intended to be just for kids. They were supposed to be also entertaining to adults. Some of the Disney shorts make this obvious like the one where Goofy is addicted to tobacco.

I feel in more recent years, with the raise of creating products and toys for kids, there has been a shift to make the films more for kids.

I guess my unpopular opinion is…
I wish Disney would go back to making films for adults that a kid could also enjoy. I am sort of sick of parents complaining that movies need to be dumb down so that they can be appropriate for toddlers. Child psychologists say toddlers shouldn’t really be watching tv/movies so why are we listening to parents who want films to be censored so their 4 year old can watch it?


The Disney Star Wars Sequels are better than the prequels. People just need to check their nostalgia.

Wes Anderson is a one trick pony and has become a parody of himself. Let me guess his new movie has a monochromatic colour palette and everyone is shot centre frame from the waist up? SO QUIRKY

Getting a bit salty so here's a positive one: The Nice Guys is a modern classic and NO ONE SAW IT! Ryan Gosling's comedic timing is god tier, the script is so well written from a comedy and a character perspective, the action is well shot and choreographed. Can't say enough good things about it.

Star Wars Episode 1 the Phantom Menace is a 1/10, i'd give Rise of Skywalker the same score they're both dreadful, it's like asking where you want somebody to shove a needle in you the hand or the foot. They're both painful if you have to choose one it depends on who you are.

Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones is a 2/10 Force Awakens i'd give a 4 I didn't like it when it first came out, but it is better than Episode 1 and 2, I won't argue with you on that one.

Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith is one of my favourite movies in the series it's an easy 8 or 9 out of 10 regardless of having a few flaws.

The Last Jedi Is also a 2/10 IMHO it's a bottom 4 Star Wars Movie. World building got wrecked, villains weren't a viable threat, the humour didn't work. Luke Skywalker was written badly, the main thing I enjoy about that movie is trying to think of ways to fix it which... Well isn't a sign of a good movie.

The best sequel Star Wars film is Titan AE, why they didn't have the brains to just rip that movie off and call it Episode 7 I don't know. Rebuilding the universe after a massive war is a great concept for a movie that you can use to tell a lot of socio political commentary and add a lot of depth to a sci- fi franchise. I'm still angry at Star Wars for not going down that route, my own dissatisfaction with the Star Wars movies partly inspired the plot of Hawk and Flo Adventures. Where the plot of the series is they're rebuilding the universe after a massive war and there's various different villain factions vying for supremacy.

I still have never gotten over the hype I had for Phantom Menace only to end up with what we were given, it was a gut punch of a magnitude I hope I never re-experience as long as I live. It was the first film I ever gave a 1/10 it's pointless you can literally skip watching it go to Episode 2 and 3 and miss Nothing. It's factually and accurately one of the worst films ever made because there is no point watching it.

I gave up on Star Wars after Book of Boba Fett, I don't care anymore now, I don't care what anything Star Wars does now because to me it will only ever be 'should've been Titan AE out of 10'

Movies are too long, too loud, too badly written, too badly shot to be worth watching.

Movies that are worth watching are precious gems to be cherished.

Okay here’s a few of mine

1- The Greatest Showman is not that good. People only like it because Zendaya is in it. None of the songs were catchy. The acting wasn’t only alright, and it the plot itself was just meh. I left that movie feeling pretty underwhelmed

2- Encanto was overrated. Literally all of the songs were forgettable except that one that blew up all over social media, the bruno one. All of the side characters were cooler and more interesting than the main ones. I get the whole metaphor and stuff for generational trauma and expectations and stuff but it was just not that good. Like it was alright. Not as good as many people praised it to be.

3- Most modern romance movies just suck. They make me cringe and frustrate me more than anything.