59 / 66
May 2019

My nose bro, finally I'm not alone!

Also can fit my fist in my mouth
Can tell at a single glance if a person has been through a hard time (trauma, mental illnesses of all kinds)
I can tell in around 5 minutes of conversation if the person in front of me is going to be harmful
I can disappear (I'm really small and fit into most boxes, corners, behind things...)
I can talk with a very manly voice (is very obviously a woman)

Thank you for worrying =)
But already had it checked, I just have a very quick metabolism I burn through fat and muscle as if they were tic-tacs. =/ It's really annoying cause I really don't like being a lingüini XC

Aww I wanted to answer with some multiple high five pics but all those pics included humans and humans are not fun :sob: :sob: :sob:

Oh, I'm also empathic, which means that I'm prone to feeling whatever else people around me are feeling. It's nowhere near as cool as mind reading. Sometimes I can't tell where the negativity I'm suddenly feeling is coming from. It's more a nuisance than anything, especially around people prone to either extreme stoicism or, on the flip side, extreme emotional volatility.

But it's not 100% useless. My day job in hospice care provides opportunities to put this skill to use.

  • I can voice crack at will .. Actually, my voice cracks sometimes when I don't want it to, which is weird because I'm a girl and I should be well past puberty.
  • I can hear a song and play it on the piano/sax, but I suck at sight reading. So i guess they cancel each other out
  • I'm a pretty fast sprinter, but have terrible endurance lol.
  • Everytime I squat, my knees make a horrible cracking noise. I like to piss people off with it, but it gets tiring after a while because I'm basically just power squatting.
  • I have a really good announcer voice LOL
  • I'm pretty dang good at origami

I feel you on the sightreading. Why I never considered a music career.

Oh I got something cool: I can HEAR MAGNETS

I wear hearing aids with whats called a "t-coil" setting, which is a way to listen to things privately without using earbuds or headphones by using magnets! I got this thing that I just wear around my neck if I want to listen to stuff on my phone for example.

One time, I was walking from class to the library and I heard this really loud BRRZZT noise as I was entering and freaked out. Nobody else seemed to have been bothered by the noise. I step in and out the door and it doesn't happen again. A few hours later I leave the library and BRRRZTTT. What was going on?!?!

It was the book scanners that libraries have besides the doors (yknow those weird columns). I accidentally left t-coil on and I was hearing the scanners lmao

hi there :blush:

some of your skills are actually useful, well for me they are :open_mouth:

my useless skill would be...

able to stuff 5 oreos in my mouth and eat it... yep its not even that impressive and its totally useless :grin:

I'm actually very good at bowling right on my first try. I managed to get all strikes. But I'm not even into bowling and neither do I want to play it anymore. Never was interested.

I can RNG'ing pokémon in gen 4 (which is useless since I don't battle online)

I love reading all of these, I have some useless skills

-I have an unexplained cat rader, whenever there is a cat, I see it and I have to point it out loud
-I can write with both hands at the same time (writing different stuff)
-I can grab things with my toes

I can :

  1. Stay awake for 5 days straight.

  2. Mimic the voice of my favorite cartoon characters

  3. Come up with puns when roleplaying but not in real life

6 months later

Some of the comments were literally me like
-lucid dream
-and extended knowledge :joy:

- FORESHADOW. I can predict, around 80% most of the time. I once played on an arcade and literally my 1 token turned 100+ by predicting. There's a lot of incidents but my major predictions are earthquake (predicted it 10 mins before) and my friend and I winning in a raffle (predicted myself winning the grand prize :joy:) mostly saved me during exam :+1:
-this is weird but I can identify two identical tone/note with two different music, so I was like "i heard this tone at that song" most of the time.
-I can identify someone's personality by looking at his/her vibes.
-I have a bad eyesight but I can identify someone from far (that can't br identified by people with good eyesight)
-I CAN REPEL PEOPLE AWAY FROM ME WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING :joy: (the major introvert vibe wall)
-I dont think I'm smart but I am extremely lucky with exams even though I didn't study

I have huge feet and long toes; my big toes are longer than my thumbs. I sometimes joke that I have four hands because I can and do use my toes as fingers. They're very dexterous and I can grab/ pick up things, open doors and even stir my drink when my hands are busy.

I guess this isn't useless, though :thinking: I have replacement hands ready to go incase I lose my real hands.

Hi!! Well, I can copy accents really easily (like within a minute of hearing it, which is cool to use in pranks).
I can look at someone I don't know and figure out what they are feeling (sometimes even what they are thinking, which is fun but creepy haha).
I can stare out of the window for hours without getting bored.