30 / 66
May 2019

I used to be really really good and fast at cutting out figure outlines, if I do a large group of the same image it ends up looking die cut. I could even do this in a car while driving (not me driving, me sitting in the passenger side to clarify) 3 hours to a convention and it would still look the same if I was cutting them at a still table at home... which often resulted in the car being fuckin mess despite how clean I tried to keep it with baskets and plastic bags)

It got to the point when I sold my character stickers at conventions artists would constantly come up to my table and ask me where I got them cut, with them looking surprised when I told them they are not die cut and I cut them all out myself, or really fucking pissed because they thought I was lying and for some reason didn't want to share my secrets information with them????

I can't really do that anymore because arthritis, but it was a thing.

The only thing I could think of is that I'm able to be very poker faced when I'm thinking of cough perverted stuff and other things... Most of the time though, I would have the urge to laugh.

I can make my eyelids twitch really fast and spastically. Pretty useless unless I want to win a staring contest.

I can go on a ten-minute, very passionate rant about anything

literally anything
whether it be where cheez-its get their deliciousness from or on the theory that Australia isn't real. I will vent about it for 10 minutes on command

also, i have incredible patience with all matters that don't include my family

I can recite the full script to a play called Falsettos without hesitation

I can write stories really well but only at 1AM and it dies immediately after 15 minutes

I can draw really well but it's only when I'm supposed to be paying attention

I can also read tarot card and palms

-I can remember all sorts remember and biological, psychological and care facts about most pets animals( my best is with cats)
-befriending stray cats/ cats that are not mine.
-I can justify why certain types of Pokemon are strong or weak against other types of Pokemon on the spot not matter how obscure or strange it is. (fairy strong against dragon due to dragons always lose in fairy tails, physic strong against fighting as strong mind is mightier than raw strength ,ext).
-falling a sleep in the most uncomfortable places.
-maintaining good poker face with strangers(not against close friends and family)

-Know the lyrics to multiple jingles and slogan
-Know the lyrics to an extensive list cartoon theme songs (from cyber chase to fairy odd parents and many more)
-While I'm average at predicting the trajectory of passerby's, I'm really good at subtlety avoiding people at the last minute.
-I can pop both of my hip joints
I'm sure there's more that I can't think of right now

i can drink a capri sun in 9 seconds flat, no hands
I can eat any food (without a wrapper or smth) without a table or hands.
I can sprint really fast but it's for like .02 seconds and then I start w he e zi ng
I have extensive knowledge of the most useless of subjects. Want to know about American lesbians who served in 1960s? I gotchu. Want to know about how the leader of Jordan treats terrorists? I gotchu. Want to know about America's dealing in international affairs? haha nope

when i worked at culvers i was the only one who figured out how to make sundaes without the hot fudge/caramel sloughing down to the sides and dragging the rest of the toppings with it

(you have to put the solid toppings on first and push them in a little, then add the hot topping, itll stick to the nuts/candy instead of falling to the sides, then add a couple more of the hard toppings on top so it looks pretty)

also because i work at a grocery store and have to get carts from the parking lot ive gotten pretty good at judging whether or not a moving car is gonna hit me if i keep walking. im no longer scared of traffic because of this hell job.

I think I have more. xD
- I can eat a kiwi without peeling it.
- I can make fart sounds with my palms
- I can move my nostrills
- I can fit my tiny flexible palm into a Pringles can

  • I can retract the middle muscle of my tongue causing the two sides of the tip to form what looks like a sorta split snake tongue.
  • I dunno if people around me are just shitty at this or if I'm exceptionally good at it but when it's time to google a thing I often end up having to do it because everyone around me keeps getting themselves stuck down rabbit holes of what I instantly spot as useless articles that won't answer the bloody question at hand. It gets even more frustrating when someone else in the group starts shouting and tries to talk over me to tell me all about an article that I already skimmed through and made a note both to myself and everyone else that it won't be of any use and isn't worth reading further into. And then they wont believe me when i say it's useless until they find out on their own, after READING THE ENTIRE ARTICLE ALOUD. Just cus they had to try so hard to one-up me. Guess it's not so much a skill as a curse. Which is why it's useless. If I sucked more at it I would be far less frustrated.
  • I sometimes have dreams that tell the future but they are hard to distinguish from other mundane dreams so I mostly forget them until I find myself in that precise situation. I have been able to change turns of events using these dreams before, but they never make predictions of anything important so they are useless.

I can do a headstand for a seemingly unlimited amount of time. Honestly, I've never tried to see how long I can go before passing out, but I never even wobble or come close to falling. Even getting older and putting on weight hasn't weakened how easy it is for me.

I can dilate my pupils on command
I can lose pretty much anything in about 5 secs
I can forget pretty much anything in about 5 secs

The last two might have something to do with one another...

I can easily stay home for days, if I'm on vacation.
I can work a whole 8 hours shift sometimes without having to talk to anyone, if my maintenance tasks are in isolated areas for the day.
I also just recently learned how to complete muscle-ups and pistol squats.

Oh really? Where did you learn to speak in a Nigerian accent?

I have anxiety superpowers! Basically I'm just hyper aware of my surrounding and constanty aware of changes happening around me. I also memorize routes and exits without realizing, so I am pretty good at finding my way back.

I also have cat finding powers! Is there a cat nearby? If there is, I will see it! I can also hear cats from a fair distance away and my cats realized this back when I was still living with my family. They could summon me from the other side of the house (and our house was big) and would do so often. I could also tell them apart from their voice, including other neighbourhood cats.

I can do a few owl calls with my hands.

I also have like this superpower where I look at people and I can instantly say they look like somebody and nobody else ever sees it until I explain some minute detail about them

I can find something that someone else lost, but I can't find something that I lost.

Also, my twin power is that when my twin is stressed, I can't sleep.

From my parents... ^^;

I used to think I couldn't do it at all, which was a bit shameful for me (most 2nd gen kids I've met pick it up naturally; I guess we were too 'Americanized'). But for years, I had this little hand-puppet character called 'Mr. Ducky' that I'd use to do jokes and stories with my siblings, and he spoke in this ridiculous little voice that I never knew where I got the idea for...until I grew up and realized what his accent had been all along.

me too!, my brother taught me

this happened to me a lot too. But haven`t been able to change the future yet.

I forgot to mention another thing I can do with my tongue lol.
You know the hole where the nasal cavity connects with the mouth, at the back of your throat?
I can touch it with my tongue.
Dunno if anyone else here can but I've been told I'm not supposed to be able to do that lol

EDIT: PROBABLY SHOULDNT TRY THIS AT HOME UNLESS YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU CAN DO IT LOL because the reason I've been told I'm not supposed to be able to do it is that, while any tongue TECHNICALLY can touch that part of the mouth, it usually only does when the individual is passed out and the tongue drops back into their throat. You can actually choke yourself with your own tongue.

Let’s see:

I forget a lot. Not sure if that’s a skill, though.

About that eating and not gaining weight thing, medically that can be a bad thing, like maybe you're not digesting food properly or absorbing enough nutrients. Has a doctor looked at you for that?

I'm a general trivia wiz. It's useless insofar as I don't do well under pressure and I'm prone to brain fog, so I'd be useless on a game show. But when I'm relaxed, I can be an insufferable know-it-all full of facts nobody but I find interesting.

My nose bro, finally I'm not alone!

Also can fit my fist in my mouth
Can tell at a single glance if a person has been through a hard time (trauma, mental illnesses of all kinds)
I can tell in around 5 minutes of conversation if the person in front of me is going to be harmful
I can disappear (I'm really small and fit into most boxes, corners, behind things...)
I can talk with a very manly voice (is very obviously a woman)

Thank you for worrying =)
But already had it checked, I just have a very quick metabolism I burn through fat and muscle as if they were tic-tacs. =/ It's really annoying cause I really don't like being a lingĂŒini XC

Aww I wanted to answer with some multiple high five pics but all those pics included humans and humans are not fun :sob: :sob: :sob:

Oh, I'm also empathic, which means that I'm prone to feeling whatever else people around me are feeling. It's nowhere near as cool as mind reading. Sometimes I can't tell where the negativity I'm suddenly feeling is coming from. It's more a nuisance than anything, especially around people prone to either extreme stoicism or, on the flip side, extreme emotional volatility.

But it's not 100% useless. My day job in hospice care provides opportunities to put this skill to use.

  • I can voice crack at will .. Actually, my voice cracks sometimes when I don't want it to, which is weird because I'm a girl and I should be well past puberty.
  • I can hear a song and play it on the piano/sax, but I suck at sight reading. So i guess they cancel each other out
  • I'm a pretty fast sprinter, but have terrible endurance lol.
  • Everytime I squat, my knees make a horrible cracking noise. I like to piss people off with it, but it gets tiring after a while because I'm basically just power squatting.
  • I have a really good announcer voice LOL
  • I'm pretty dang good at origami

I feel you on the sightreading. Why I never considered a music career.

Oh I got something cool: I can HEAR MAGNETS

I wear hearing aids with whats called a "t-coil" setting, which is a way to listen to things privately without using earbuds or headphones by using magnets! I got this thing that I just wear around my neck if I want to listen to stuff on my phone for example.

One time, I was walking from class to the library and I heard this really loud BRRZZT noise as I was entering and freaked out. Nobody else seemed to have been bothered by the noise. I step in and out the door and it doesn't happen again. A few hours later I leave the library and BRRRZTTT. What was going on?!?!

It was the book scanners that libraries have besides the doors (yknow those weird columns). I accidentally left t-coil on and I was hearing the scanners lmao

hi there :blush:

some of your skills are actually useful, well for me they are :open_mouth:

my useless skill would be...

able to stuff 5 oreos in my mouth and eat it... yep its not even that impressive and its totally useless :grin:

I'm actually very good at bowling right on my first try. I managed to get all strikes. But I'm not even into bowling and neither do I want to play it anymore. Never was interested.

I can RNG'ing pokémon in gen 4 (which is useless since I don't battle online)