27 / 27
Dec 2016

Hey Cuttles! Um...well...I dunno. I've found that subbing and talking to other people really helps sometimes. I dunno. Mine are rolling in kinda slow as well...

I love this. I think just being genuine in your efforts. You want folks to follow your comic? leave comments? share it around for you? Then do those things yourself for someone else's comic. Be the sort of fan that you wish you had for your work.

If you are friendly, and connecting with other creators, and the readers you DO have, then that will spread.

I've had a lot of success with twitter and reddit when working to increase my comic's readership. I use tumblr and a few other social media sites as well and they've helped a little. That and posting in Tap forums and on other comic related forums seem to help a lot too. Also keep in mind that generating more traffic your comic will higher the likelihood of it showing up on the front page of Tapastic categories, which can be extremely helpful in boosting its readership.

I think just keeping the comic interesting and presenting your very best works can attract many new readers as well.

for my alone comic I use instagram, facebook and twitter but truth not that so well works, have the problem that I do not grow so rapidly as all the rest, so uses the forums and sometimes they work me, hope that this post should help me to obtain new places for publicity

While it didn't get me huge numbers in subscribers/new readers, I got a big spike in views after posting my comic updates on Facebook and Tumblr, where I encourage people to view my comics and tell others about them as well, and that it might help me in the long-run since I'm on the ad revenue program (need to rack up those views). I might expand out to other social media sites, especially now that I have a 3rd comic in the works.

Wow this is alot of useful information i dont know whete to start but with a thank you soooo very much. I do openly talk to all my readers thou. There good people. And comment and share others but that has gotten me little to nothing especially if they already have a successful comic :/ or just dont care. Ill start trafficing on tumblr more actually. Deivant art does a little. Ill try twitter also. Never had a imgur. And the online gaming idea. I didnt know there was so much you had to do/could do the forums have helped a good 60/40 but they only come to self advertise also T_T ill wait as long as i need too! Its not going anywhere. Im trending when i update on Thursday but still not too much publicity it helps tons thou!!. But art style trally doesnt matter on tapas that hard. Lol.

Interacting with others is my weakest trait and is probably why my series has so few readers. I just float around like a little ghost. weary
Guess I better interact more.

Ive been here 6 months have 60 subs have of which arent even on the site anymore and barely 40 continuous readers. Its not really something activity can bring you gold for but it helps keep a few with you. That and regular updates. So far all the help here has upped my views sslightly and ill look at your comic ^^

But what are you doing now is interacting. Just get to use to it. Simple reply and message is a good thing. Try to 9gag, imgur, reddit, and etc. And remember there is no need to shy about your art and stuff. Share your comics with guts. smiley You know when I play league of legends when it's picking summon, before the game starts I try to communicate them by simple greeting like " good luck to us team". and when they reply leave a msg "you know I'm making comics try to check it out" Usually I make subs from gamers".

1 month later

Use a lot of websites like Pinteresst, instagram, deviantart, etc.. You may have to promote your webcomic on various groups in deviantart. And I mean LOTS.. Another way that helps is to communicate online to other artists. Communicate frequently and update your work regularly as much as possible. That's what I did back then (even if my art wasn't that great) when I was using a different platform to promote my webtoon. I've earned likes, comments, and subscribers and it was double the amount compare to when I was starting. But because I want to improve my art, I stopped and practiced, then restarted my webcomic here on tapastic. Anyways, don't forget to reply to your readers from time to time (don't do it all the time). I hope this helps. smile

I've mainly been pushing my comic on Facebook, Twitter, & Google Plus. My Tumblr sucks- I've been on it for almost a year and it has grown much at all. I still post/promote there, but I kind of write it off as a moot point. I dont do Instagram, Reddit, or any other social media platforms. Hopefully I can get a lull in my workload this fall and start building my site.

1 month later
2 months later

I think we should help each other! I mean comic artists should unite! This site helps a lot and dont forget about other social media!

I'm pretty sure it just takes time. Then again, I'm pretty new, so I don't know much, but I've noticed I've been getting more and more views after each page I post. You'll get there.

A really great idea is to draw Muhammed and make fun of him. You'd get tons of attention. But then again...I'm not sure you can measure attention in tons.

22 days later
13 days later

For my comic Kima&Jeorge so far I've gathered a few followers from tumblr, and deviantart. As well as my facebook. I would say try uploading more, but that doesn't work all the time, and who knows anyone's schedules to draw more.


I know this is kind of a contentious practice but when I was first starting out with Unfamiliar I made a cute little thank you image I would post on subscriber's walls thanking them for following my comic. (its best it you type something personalized too so they know it's genuine and not spammy) I did that until I couldn't keep up anymore. But the main thing is just making sure you're improving your work all the time! The art, the story, the hook. Those things bring in subscribers more than advertising can. Remember, getting someone to look at your work is only step one, getting them to like it, get invested, subscribe, tell their friends, all that has to come from you and your hard work. Plus its more fun to think about your comic rather than boring analytics imo. >w<