25 / 65
Nov 2016

I'm going to be really cheeky and suggest my own comic, although I second loads of the comics mentioned here, especially Damsels Don't Wear Glasses, The Property of Hate and Unfamiliar. They're some of my favs.

My comic Breaking the Lore3 is set in early medieval England and the lead is an older woman called Estrith, a midwife who aquires a baby through magical means.

It's a story about the ups and downs of a relationship between a mother and daughter who are both fiercely independant. And magical axolotl creatures.

(It's also fairly short, and finished! So you can read it in one sitting.)

Ooh, oh, there's lotta good ones here!

I haven't caught up in a while (sorry!) but I remember I liked the protagonist in Demon House13 a lot. There's also a sexy demon and she isn't there for fanservice, all her actions are understandable to her character, and she's really well-written and, AH, A+.

Self-promo tho, my webcomic, Cosmic Fish6 has two female leads from different ranks (one is a planetary guardian, the other is a monster-kid everyone assumes will turn violent and can only survive by stealing and being rude) and how their lives start to cross more often and, eventually, a potential friendship begins to grow. There are other female characters but they haven't had the chance to really show off (yet ôvô)

Witchy14 is a high fantasy comic set in an asia-based world where your magic ability is determined by the length of your hair. Nyneve, an uncharacteristically powerless witch, is thrown in the deep end when the army comes to enlist witches into their army.
Witchy is a brilliantly unique concept, aesthetically reminiscent of LOTR and HP - with soft, naiive-style art that tells the story perfectly.
Nyneve is a very deeply developed character, with steady character development from the get-go. She's determined, smart, and a fighter, but is also given time to be vulnerable and upset. She has a clear balance of faults and strengths. Generally, she's a very interesting and likable lead in a brilliant story.

the Sisters8 is strong women out the wazoo - centring around a family of 3 Irish-American witches who, thanks to their absent (likely satanist) parents, attract magical trouble like bees to a flower. This comic takes a frank, funny, modern look at magic without any of the Hogwarts glitter - a lack of which it makes up for in cartoon gore. This comic is like Gravity Falls if it stopped trying to be for kids.
The sisters in this comic spend most of their time either blowing something up, beating something up, or getting into effed up magical deals. They're blunt, crude, and really? They're assholes. The writer gives these women space to be messed up and angry, and make mistakes - and also to go loco, kill a few trolls, and save the day. They get all the depth and fallibility as male leads, with all the gore and violence.

aaaand gonna add a sneaky plug for There was a War7, my comic, in which both leads are strong women. Balor and Cath are on opposites sides of a long, bloody, and confusing war, and their worlds collide when Balor is forced into indentured labour in her people's army, and Cath is taken prisoner as a working witch at the same keep. Together, they patch up holes in their histories and forge a new existence where they can both be themselves, entirely.
Both girls are complicated, flawed, resilient young women who fight through waves of traumatic setbacks for what's right, and for some kind of peace. They are given space to be wrong, to be angry, and to be happy in themselves.

First off, all the comics @Greg_Dickson suggested look great, it looks like I'm going to be adding a few more comics to my list smiley
(Also, thank you for including Neon Rabbit, as always your awesome Greg! 👍😆)

That being said, Don't Be A Hero ( https://tapastic.com/series/Dont-Be-A-Hero11 ) by @Greg_Dickson is also a great read with an awesome female lead, Gemini, a super hero slaying badass on a quest for vengeance! If you go give the comics banner a look, you'll see there will be a large female presence in the cast.

Paradise ( https://tapastic.com/series/Paradise8 ) A diverse cast with a great lady lead (who is CRAZY fun) and a strong-willed secondary female character. It's a very colorful comic with great action.

Pest Caravan ( https://tapastic.com/series/Pest-Caravan7 ) has an unusual but super lovable female lead, who is a tad shy and also a pangolin monster. ^v^

Nocturne is a vampire thriller, with a strong-willed, short-tempered gal who just doesn't want to get involved! ( https://tapastic.com/series/nocturne-comic4 )

Household SlimeMold ( https://tapastic.com/series/HouseholdSlimeMold6 ) is a fantasy with a cute female protagonist, Mildew! She is smart, resourceful and at this very moment fighting a gaint rat stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

Pretzel 2 Meet U ( https://tapastic.com/series/pretzel6 ) another fantasy comic, this one about 2 retired adventurers who start up a bakery. It's comedy and adventure all in one.

I have more but I'll end it here for now as this is getting a little long. Happy readings! smiley

I think you should look up on Sanity Circus9 which has a strong female lead. She doesn't take any shit and is dead set to find out why things happens around her!

I am the artist of Whetstone10. I joined on this project because I loved the characters and story. I consider Tavia to be a strong female lead. After her life is turned upside down during a modern worldwide apocalypse, she is able to get back on her feet and seek vengeance against those responsible. As intense as she can be, she still has a compassionate, sensible side that makes her very human. The story is still being released so you will get to know more about her as time goes on. wink

My comic Aetherwar9's main character is Liz. And she's a lot stronger than she looks. (fantasy, steampunk, harry potterish, lovecraftian cthulhuian - themes)
Sword Interval2 at webtoons also has a really cool female lead.

I've got something for you:
My comic Light and Dark9 has a female lead and a mostly female suppoting cast. I've spent a lot of time getting varied and deep personalities to these characters so I hope I don't dissapoint:
Lit tid bit of the lore of this comic by the way: In my comic's fictional world Women have always been in equal standing to men since the bronze age, mostly due to the fictional religion I've created for this fictional world (Hell no one even questions it) so I hope to show off some cool female leaders, warriors, generals/admirals, you name it we got it. I hope to be able to get to that soon!

Thank you so much @indagold !!

I also recommend The Sisters2 and Damsels Don't Wear Glasses2!

But I have more recommendations-- Dungeon Princess3 is catching up to its tumblr host, but, that one's about a princess of Hell who has to compete in a tournament! There's also Saffron and Sage2, which was recently mentioned by the creator of Cassiopeia Quinn!

My webcomic Comicide4 has two female protagonists. In fact, aside from a nonbinary person, a supporting male character, and a villain, right now all the characters in Comicide are female.

It's about the judicial system of the afterlife, and its current legislator who has to deal with her strange coworkers, entering people's minds, emotions that can become sentient, and Lovecraftian monsters.

Thanks for suggesting Centralia! <3 I put a lot of importance on ensuring Midori is a strong female lead, though that's ultimately for readers to decide.

Runewriters6 is also a good one! The female protag is so determined and endearing :> It's especially nice to see more stories featuring disabled characters in the main cast.

Omg guys. This thread has been a wealth of information and good recommendations!!! I'm loving it. I'm so sorry I haven't replied to everyone but I'm clicking on links like mad I promise!! Thank you!!

Wow, thank you so much for recommending Mary and Voidchild Greg! ^^ I'm going to check in here again with my own recommendations when I'm not on a phone and can link comics better. ^^