366 / 587
Mar 2020

Yes, it's only the very next scheduled episode that you can see. If you click the arrow again it goes to an error screen. It happens in your comic too :frowning:

Yap I just tested it, your correct, I juts made a super quick fake page till it gets fixed Dx hopefully it gets fixed soon!

Hmm should have done that. This might have been the worst time for me to upload. I got no views. Well, it was good to test for when a update should be up or not. The day is still young, it might turn later and give a big surprise or something.
Could also be that people just don't care about me anymore. Never know?

I tried that after reading about the glitch here, and hit like to get your attention. It worked. :smiley:

Got me curious and read your comic. I like it.
I think I have subed to it now... but the sub button was hard to find.

Sorry for reading the last update before time, but the story was good

I can confirm, I went on incognito mode and checked my comic. I just scheduled my next update a few hours ago, and people can read it by hitting the next arrow. Does anyone know when this will get fixed??

Edit: Don't know if someone mentioned this, but this problem only applies to desktop. Mobile is still as it should be

I’ve already tested it this morning, it’s a problem for mobile as well, haven’t checked the app yet tho

Looking into this right now.


Bug has been filed and the team has been alerted. Thank you for reporting and we deeply apologize for the mishap.

has anyone mentioned that the scheduling system is broken? had 2 ppl so far have their updates posted pre-maturely

Yep. I'm going and putting a filler in-between until it's fixed.

I have a touchpad mouse and avoid using it when I can. I mostly use arrows to navigate up and down on windows so the fact that it wasn't needed before this update, and only triggers near the very top or bottom is stupid code.

Hey everyone,

Apologies again for the scheduling issues. The dev team has isolated the issue and issued a hotfix that has been shipped. I'm sorry for the mishap and appreciate your patience with our team!

I’m just glad Tapas is one of the few sites that actively listen to their userbase

This we shall remember. Tapas IS listening.
Thank you all hardworking Tapas team

I'm not really happy with most of the changes (I actually don't see a single thing that really has improved reader or creator experience compared to the old design and functioning, besides maybe the cover size changes but they are not released yet X'D? But it's nice to see that the tapas staff is at least open to listen to all of the complaints and I gladly take a not that pretty site over one that's pretty but dysfunctional ...

One thing that I miss a lot is that on the original site I could click on any of my public episodes and directly go into editing mode of this specific upload with only clicking the pen icon next to it. Now there is no way to edit it directly, when I for example spot a mistake or wanna add an author's comment ... I have to remember which episode it was, go to my dashboard, go again to the series and then search for the episode, and click the editing option here.
That are like 3 more steps for a thing that worked perfectly fine :frowning:
(edit: okay I now saw you can also go to the story overview and edit episodes from there but that's still a bit more complicated than before)

Also I think the most important thing to bring back would be the infinite scroll. That is just like slicing up a movie into single youtube upoads for no apparent reason, when you could just watch the whole thing before and it really is just ... a worsening :frowning: ?