22 / 26
May 2019

Okay! Good to I'm not shouting into the void when I reply to people. But I've seen replies to my own comments that I didn't get notifications for. Does anyone know why?

Oh, I didn't comment a lot, so I wouldn't know, maybe the system is buggy like everything on this site :disappointed_relieved: maybe someone else have the answer...
But it's not all shouting in the void anyway, if people want to know if the author replied, they can always go to their own comments to look "manually". It's hard to know if e-mail notification always works, because some people don't answer on your reply and some people say "quick reply from the author, nice". So maybe it works fifty fifty :joy:

I'm not aware of any notifications. I missed a few comments from a week ago, not even knowing they were there.

I only reply comments on recent update of my series. It;s hard to track comments without notification.

Yeah I have no idea what Webtoons is thinking. There are so many basic and just really, really obvious features that they just don't have. I don't get it.

I usually check only the first episode and the most recent episode for comments since I have so many. I left a note on the first comic telling readers to only comment on those two episodes or I wouldn't see them.

I really really hate how minimalist Webtoons is. How it got so popular, I'll never know.

i tried mirroring to webtoon but honestly the lack of an inbox system killled it for me. its borderline unusable.

I didn't even know I had comments until today and I kind of wish it stayed that way as some just sound super insulting and rude! But besides the rude ones, I'd like to know when people are really interacting with my comic.

I just e-mailed them about it and asking why they don't have this as standard as the rest of the internet.
Kind of troll but I just need to know. Let's see what there answer would be?

kinda wish hey had a schedule system aswell... thats why i keep forgetting about it

Yes, me too!
Though for me it's more because I'm currently updating every day there to catch up and I don't like being forced to see my stats everyday. I feel like it's unhealthy.

But aaaah it's frustrating how many things they don't have.
No uploading in anything but jpeg, no profiles to see what other people follow, no detailed statistics.

Though maybe their focus on reader first is the reason why it has such a larger proportion of readers vs writers than other sites? Still some of these features seem very basic.

And that is JPG only. Not even JPEG.

Oops, thanks for the correction- I just typed out how I pronounce it, haha

Email to Webtoons

Can I please have a notification when the readers post a new comment on my comic?
I will like to stay in communication
Why do you not have this feature as standard? Like rest of the internet?

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for contacting LINE Customer Care.

Your suggestions, feedback, and ideas are always welcome! Please contact us again at webtoons_help@webtoonscorp.com and let us know what you think of LINE WEBTOON.

Again, thank you for using our services, and please let us know if you need any additional assistance.

Kind regards,

LINE Customer Care

We've been asking for this feature for years among other things to help creators.

Let's not forget Webtoons is a consumer based company. They don't care about the creators. They only care about the readers. (Think about what's going on Youtube.)

Then we will see for how long that I’ll be there

2 years later

closed Jan 28, '22