Rain. It never looks convincing to me.
Shiny things! Never looks convincing to me. Could be armor, gold, etc.
I do this odd thing where because I know the process I took to get to the results, I think none of it is convincing. Because I know it's just a bunch of lines or smudging or blending. And while that is true for literally anything that is drawn, my brain only seems to apply it to the stuff above.
Feet. I'm terrible with feet. I don't really enjoy drawing monsters either, but I have to get better at that.
I used to hate drawing guns, but having drawn so many for an action comic, now I kind of enjoy doing them. Same with backgrounds.
A couple not obvious things I LOVE drawing: natural environments. Forests, deserts, etc. You get so much freedom with environments like that, and I can just sit down and paint and not have to think about what a machine is supposed to do and how it works, or how often I'm using the same components in a complicated cityscape.
I love drawing destruction too! Shattering glass or rubble or splintering wood, anything where I can just get lost in the physics and motion of a scene in a freeform way is so gratifying. And the final product is so exciting!
For Drawing.
Cars and vehicles they're not that hard, and I can draw them fine, they're just not interesting and I hate it the whole time. Even more than that The INSIDE OF A VEHICAL I cannot stand having to draw the inside of a vehicle Weirdly though, boats and airplanes I don't hate drawing
Cityscapes Much too depending on rulers, I get bored easily I just don't have the attention span for it.
The inside of a house more than once The first time is fine, no issues, kinda cool to set everything up and decide were things are going, but because it's a comic... I will have to draw the background more than once... and it's tedious and annoying to do again and again even when it was enjoyable the first time.
For writing
Character descriptions of my female characters, now I don't hate writing descriptions, nor my female characters, I'd do their descriptions the same way I would my male characters which leads to me getting really weird comments that are left in all seriousness such as "I could not picture this character in my head at all because you didn't give me any idea on what the size of her boobs where. You need to be more detailed when describing your characters." So it's just annoying that I'm getting it wrong to the point readers are unable to picture the character at all because I neglected to add this detail. Same with smell "You need to give female characters a certain scent to identify them. Female's almost always have scents to them and so far ALL of your female characters are lacking in that." It's just... a lot of extra writing rules that apply only to female characters that make not a lot of sense. Generally, I guess I don't hate writing it, but I hate the responses I keep getting because of it.
Narrative dialogue during conversations Generally I hate reading this too. I usually gloss over it quickly to find the name of the character talking and then jump right to the dialog. It's just boring and tends to really slow down the line delivery for me when reading, so writing it is equally boring. This is of course different if characters are doing something important, but a lot of the time when reading it it just fills like filling, cause the actions the characters are doing don't matter to the conversation or character. It's just something for the characters to do so it doesn't seem like they're JUST standing around and talking, which honestly I would prefer in a novel. So I'm often worried that I'm going to bored my readers in the same way this bores me when reading.
Chaos. Anything that doesn't have a set pattern for me to memorize, or at least repeat predictably.
So I run into problems when I draw things like ripped clothing, or uncontained liquid (especially blood splatters), or really long, loose hair that kinda just keeps going without any specific overall shape. I can do maybe five or six strands before I start feeling lost and not knowing what to do to fill up the rest of the space. :[
You probably wouldn't notice in most of my drawings, because I work really hard at making them look good regardless-- I will redraw a set of blood splatters 20 times if that's what it takes to get it right. But that's almost always what it takes, and it's exhausting...
I really envy those artists who are good at things like that, and can cover a page with just an anime girl's hair...meanwhile, just doing this sketch almost broke me:
Okay, I'm going to expand my answer. My hatred of grey is a 'this is so boring' thing. But I also hate trying to do certain things that are hideously difficult to do with markers. Such as:
- Broad, flat areas of one smooth color.
- Diffuse glows, especially hanging in the air
- Light areas on top of dark areas
- Smooth blends between two incredibly different colors (green into pink, for example)
- Clouds, especially wispy clouds
Worst part is, all of these would be a non-issue piece of cake if I did digital work. But I don't. Wheeeee....
I don't want to draw them and I don't want to write about them. Maybe part that I live in the USA and maybe part that I had to go to school during a lockdown which I think sort of traumatized me. So I don't really want to have that stuff in my stories.
Maybe somewhat similar reasons. Bad association with it, I don't see it as a positive thing. I don't want to write about it.
inhale that kitty cute
Well there´s many things I struggle with or just don´t like but must attempt
because sometimes is good to get youurself out from your comfort zone and try new things ._
Sooo I know I porbably gonna hate or feel uncormfotable writting an intimate scene in the future
and drawing probably would be house interiors and commit zooms to avoid it xd
designing monsters or creatures is also dificult for me aaand with animals..I struggle with horses and I like them alot TwT