34 / 48
Feb 2023

Sal- short for Salice. Sal is salt in Spanish. It's also a nickname for Salvador, which means salvation, I think. This character starts out as wholly weak and almost like a damsel. I thought the name was a nice contrast to how she currently is and also with the name Sal usually considered masculine.

Lea is short for Azalea. - Lea means delicate and Azalea is a flower that symbolizes beauty. The character, although generally caring, comes off more as a bit impulsive, straightforward and pretty much self-sufficient.

Rocco Marasigan - Rocco was a name the character chose for himself since he wants to come across as strong and handsome. Marasigan as a surname can mean many things, to ligt a fire, liveliness or haste. But in his case, his surname is indicative of his family's association with fire.

Duren - I was googling words for stulid and his came up. It also means to co tinue or persist on something. His nickname, Ren, apparently means love or benevolence. The character is someone who can give himself to great lengths when he loves something. He is also a character who is working on his revenge.

Gil is named so because of my pure undying love for German male names (MC of our previous story was Eric). Between ourselves we joke that his full name is Gillian.

Summer was named by my writer, as I remember correctly I proposed to call her Linda, but he said something like "do you really think it's an appropriate name for a 10 y.o. MC in a summer camp"...and after that he called another character (a ginger half-Japanese goth girl) Peggy and I am still laughing at it.
We actually had problems with naming two other girls, so we randomly chosen two names that from the first glance didn't suit neither of them. In the end we decided that Zoe suits the tall pouty blonde much better and Peggy sounds better for a redhead.

Billy was given the almost the most average name possible for a teen who looks like a typical young jock. But we also wanted it to be a "younger" and more endearing sounding name, so he wouldn't be like Jack or Chase or something.

Eugene is named for the same friend I took character's likeness from. It was a very popular name in the time I grew up (it also happens to be my name), so I always thought it very average and believed it suited his calm character with a bit of cheekiness.

Jaeger was called that somewhere between us thinking that at least someone needs an unusual name and talking about Jaegermeister. Now that we have to choose their family names, we spent some time thinking if we should call him Jaeger Hunter or Jaeger Gatherer. Surprisingly or not, we stepped away from that xD

Ralph n' Lizzie, based off two of the playable characters from the classic Midway arcade game Rampage.

My MC is Sao: meaning "star" in Vietnamese, because he's visiting a strange world from a secluded mountain.
Mu'a: meaning "rain" in Vietamese, she's Sao's sister. She has a stormy character arc.
Ma'ay: meaning "cloud" in Vietnamese, she gave birth to Sao and Mu'a, like how the cloud "give birth" to rain and star.
Ira: comes from a hebrew name meaning "watchful" because his dad was a soldier. His goal is also to protect people.
Rang: meaning "teeth" in Vietnamese, because her power is related to nature and she can transform into a beast.
Naru: meaning "to become" in Japanese, because his arc is wanting to be seen as his true self.

Ken Kumo: his lastname means "spider" in Japanese, because I wanted him to be a bit of a trickster. Tho kumo also mean "cloud", which fits with him having air-magic.

Bertie: his name is Alberto and thought Bertie was a better nickname than Al. I also thought it would be funny if his name sounded like Birdy because he has some parallels to another character named Crow.

Zombra Blueberry: His name was originally Zombie but I thought "who would name their child that?". It also sounds like Sombra which means "shadow" in Spanish. His lastname came from Blueberry Hill.

Zeta: I'm a sucker for z names, and I guess they have the ultimate Z name, which is a letter in Greek. They are suppose to be a bit pretentious but also a little awkward.

Theodore Dawes He is my main character, I named him after like my son, he learns he has the power of time and foresight

Ferdinand Walker Theo's first friend and sparring partner

Everette Wyamir One of the first nobles that Theo meets

Prim < > < > < > < >< > < >< > < >< > < >< > < >< > < >

Grayson Argyle Prince of Luna Kingdom

You can check it out at

If you get a chance to subscribe and like it I'll return the favor!

Naota Nakaoka.
My Japanese friend threw it at me. Same with Nikado Nigaki. When I was coming up with the characters, I remember telling her to give them meaning and all that. The problem is, I forgot the meaning of their names.

Quincy Q. Quinn is obviously your standard superhero name. Nothing much there.

Tizoc is named after this one Aztec conqueror who was so terrible that he was potentially poisoned by his own men.

On the top, Xeon Strikes.

On the left, Tracy Slash.

On the right, Travis Slash (yes I did base him off of John Wick :stuck_out_tongue:)

On the bottom, Robert Void.

I'll leave it to you to analyze the characters by reading my book EXISTENCE: A Rreason to Fight (as mentioned on the cover)

My names work the other way around ^^' I draw a character and then I just give them a name, that randomly comes to mind... Which sometimes turns out to be.... interesting.

My MC Osram and Xenon both are associated with lightbulbs... As I figured out later ^^' Although I should have known about Osram being a manufacturer for lightbulps and radio tubes as they are sold here aswell.

My Novel is set in Germany and the time is in 1950's. I therefore preferred this names;
Eldric Voigt (MC), Sascha Albrecht, Dieter Steinmann, Sikk Schult, Eugene Voigt, Kirsa Engel, Hannah Casper, or Velten Frank
Please read my novel!

My names are pretty random or just chosen because they sound nice.
My MC is named Ellie, short for Leonore, I picked the name Ellie because the character was originally named Elias and was a boy in my first versions of the story, but I decided she worked better as a girl, Elias really worked for the character so I found the list similar sounding name and it became Ellie.

Crow got his name because I’ve always loved crows and thought it sounded cool. In my story he got the name because his hair looked like crow feathers when he was a baby.

Luke is a totally random name, it just suited him, it means light which is kind of opposite from his character,

Artemis is kind of random too, I like the name, it’s strong like her and she’s a vampire hunter so the name of the hunter goddess seemed to suit her very well.

Alright for one of my main characters I needed a somewhat odd name so I went with Cellen just cause it kind of fit the character and I couldn't think of anything else. But anyways for the second main character I went with a much simpler name because I thought it'd be a funny to do something simple which is how I got Zack.

My main character, "Kayden" is a Guardian who is always ready for action.
I named him because I wanted a strong name of a confident lead character always ready for "battle" :3
According to a name source:
"Derived from Celtic origin meaning 'son of Cadan' , which is a version of the Irish Cathan meaning 'Battle'."

And then his future self whose original names was "Raylen" who is from the future, a time traveler always warning of future events.
According to a name source:
"as a boys' name has the meaning "protecting hands". Raylen is a variant form of Ray (English, Old German).

The series they're from:

I'm obsessed with meaningful names. Here's a list
Rosalind Dokita is a psychiatrist. Rosalind came from the name Rosalind Franklin, who wasn't credited enough for her works with James Watson. Dokita in African language means doctor

Sonny: Is a seemingly cheerful girl, but has a lot of messed-up sides to her; thus, the bright Sonny girl (not Sunny but she pretends to be one)

William Warren is obsessed with Shakespeare...that's where the name came from. He's known as the William-obsessed William

Atilla Nadha...stick the N from first name to the rest of the surname, and you'll have Anadha. In Telugu, Anadha means Orphan.

Dell Nadha: Atilla's mother. In Persian, Dell means heart

Novan: Wordplay on No One, and also No.1, because she's a genius who eats MATH for breakfast

Mitaki Naya (Naya Mitaki in English way of saying the name) : Naya Mitaki....Nayami Taki...Nayami means worries and troubles and Taki means waterfall...which is where the title of first volume (Show Me: Waterfall comes from). She's the link that connects all characters together, and the main mystery of the series who has the ability to read the deepest parts of a person's feelings, be it sorrow, pain, joy, love and lust; thus, her chapter is titled "The Waterfall That Washed Away All Troubles And Worries"

The main character has no name, but the cast refer to him as Sherlock (his nickname from a long time ago) there are plot reasons for why he has no name

here's the novel if anyone's interested

Death: Literally the avatar of death.

Life: Literally the avatar of life.

lol. Mine are pretty basic. That aside, I usually go with shorter, simple names, because they're easier for readers to remember. Nothing turns me off from a story more than a name I cannot remember/pronounce because it's too long or complicated. I've dropped a lot of both webcomics and novels for that reason.

I have tiny stories for some so here goes!

Vie - Vie's name means life in french. It's hard to talk about the meaning without major spoilers.

Zenix - Was named after a character an old friend played in dnd.

Dusty - Fun fact Dusty's name was the hardest one to pick, nothing felt right until I landed on Dusty.

Spero - It's a bit basic but I really like this name.

Huevo - Means Egg in Spanish, I felt like it reflected how much Huevo has to grow. Not knowing who he is quite yet.

Thilipsi - Sadly this name's original meaning has been lost to me, but I picked it because it sounded beautiful and sad.

Main Character

Full name: Lydia Vivi Kingsley

Nickname: Dia

Eye color: Gold

Race: Black

Hair color: Dark Brown

Age: 33

Height: 5'0 ft

Weight: 100 lbs

Birthday: June 10th, 3042

Love Life: It’s complicated

Family life: Parents and older brother, Lucas

Best Friends: Elaine and Jax

Outfits: Pink and darker pink

Weapon of choice: Crossbow

Backstory: Lydia and her best friend, Elaine, have to save Jax, her current husband from her evil ex-boyfriend, Chad Chaddington.

Side Character

Full name: Elaine Kristen Durham

Nickname: Lanie

Eye color: Dark Brown

Race: Irish

Hair then: Red

Hair now: Still Red

Age: 34

Height: 5'2

Weight: Big chested, thin waist tho.

Birthday: December 21, 3041

Love Life: Single

Family: Wealthy Parents died in a murder suicide when they're eldest daughter, Eleanor went off her meds. Inherited everything from the parents.

Best Friends: Lydia, since 1st grade. Jax since college.

Outfits: Black and grayish clothing.

Weapon of choice: Mah fists…

Backstory: To deal with the grief of her parents death, she indulges the bottle a lot.

Current Love Interest

Full Name: Jax Orson Kinglsey

Nickname: Darling or Dear by Lydia and friendo by Elaine

Eye color: Green

Race: White

Hair color: Blonde

Age: 35

Height: 6'0 ft

Weight: 102 lbs

Birthday: June 10th, 3040

Love Life: It’s complicated

Family life: Parents and is only child

Best Friends: Lydia and Elaine

Outfits: Purple, blues and white

Weapon of choice: doesn’t like violence

Backstory: Jax loved surfing and ended up getting kidnapped by Chad after an argument over who got the biggest wave in front of his wife, Lydia.

Ex-Love Interest & Current Antagonist

Full name: Chad Chatterbox Chaddington

Eye color: Pink

Race: Doesn’t have one, advanced artificial intelligence.

Hair color: Light Gray

Age: 36

Height: 6'5 ft

Weight: 1000 lbs

Birthday: May 9th, 3039

Love Life: It’s complicated

Family life: Is obsessed with ex-girlfriend.

Best Friends: None

Outfits: Blue, darker blues, and white

Weapon of choice: superior intellect

Backstory: He wants to become human so much so that he killed people to do this. He's obsessed with his ex-wife who fell for another human.

Faye - I chose this name just because I liked the sound of it and thought it suited her pretty well.

Seraina - The name means tranquil/clear/serene and the name's pretty imo so I chose it.

Jae - idk why I chose it... I just did. :laughing:

Rosalie - it was chosen because it matches the title of my novel Eternal Rose.

I have a cast of three main characters!

It's the best of both worlds, Lisa and Ana.
No but on a serious note, I dont think I thought too hard about the name, I wanted a name that sounded positive that sounded friendly. I think I thought about Lisa simpson XD I made this name a while ago, but I thought about that as a name for a reliable and smart and kind individual and Ana mostly because most of my teachers have had the name Ana or Anna and they've always been the most kindest artistic people.

Shakiyean or just Shaki
I could not tell you how I came up with this name, I think I was thinking about jeans? And like oh yeah this dude would say words like "jorts" or "joots" for jean shorts and boots. A Silly little guy basically. xD

Aranini or just Nini
I wanted a name that felt "shy" but could be said fast, in previous incarnations of this character she was supposed to be a shy and reclusive type when I revamped her I gave her more confidence and a greater sense of justice, but I kept the name to ground her.

Its a random process with naming characters really, either I come up with it before I draw them, or it happens as I draw them, or they remain nameless for 8 years and then I find them and go "ooh a guy! your name is Philip now!!!!" Or they had a name but I forgot it so then i toss them a new one. Its random! keeps me on my toes.

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closed Mar 17, '23

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