97 / 133
Jan 2019

Well, good luck with that, @VibrantFox =/ afaik, Sugisaki stopped drawing the manga after vol. 15 and decided that the plot of the anime was more her thing. One rumour says that she wanted to redraw the whole manga along the storyline of the manga.
Another thing I've heard is, that she actually wants to continue the original manga (this was 2018), but I think we'll have to wait and see what actually happens =)

@danitasibert: Holy moley! KP is already 20 years old?! O_O Okay, NOW I feel old XD KP was something what "cool kids" watched when I was a teenager (I did so, too, but never told anyone - telling someone that you liked animes or cartoons made you instantly a social outcast back then XD ...Back then, okay now I even SOUND old ^^")

you know another thing that makes me feel old, its when the popular songs of your youth goes on their 13-15 year tours, like a 90/2000s tour. i can't man... those songs were poppin back in the day. :cry:

POKEMON! :laughing:

ive seen ash pick pikachu for the fist time waaaaayy back :joy:

kinda jealous of him not gettin old :joy:

thinking about it more, probably those old tv ads for certain toys od product like moon shoes, skip it (which i vaguely remember having one but its gone now) and those art ones like the rainbow square (wouldn't have remembered if not for macdoesit)

I remember getting ankle burns with those skip it's, one of those things you had to be wearing jeans for.

Well, artist or kids that grew up watching a show are remaking it now.
shows are getting older, Friends started 24 years ago, Buffy 22 years ago.

I was talking about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with a classmate one day and about how it was a childhood favourite. It took a while but at some point I realized we were talking about different cartoons. I was talking about the 80's version and they were talking about the 2003 version.

That did make me feel very old.

Ok, another one!
When people talk about the ‘Marsupilami’ cartoon, they talk abou this one:

And not this one:

....does anyone remember/watched the old one? I enjoyed it as a kid a lot but it kinda is forgotten nowadays :confused:

I loved Marsupilami but I am not sure what version I watched. I cannot remember.

Also, this:

My first encounter with GUNDAMS!!!!!!!!!!!
My youth OMG

I am worried today's youngsters won't grow up with such treasure

Ah... yes... Gundam Wing... that one that sent me down the rabbit hole of Gundam addiction. I loved the designs of the robots so much in that one.

Sandrock was my fav. Those duel wielding shotels man, that was badass.

I don't really remember the show though... I just remember the gundams LOL it's one of those anime I've been meaning to go back and re-watch one day.

Probably realizing that the Ignition arc of BIONICLE (2006-2008) that I can remember so vividly as a child is more than 10 years old now...

I recall seeing images of this I just don't recall how old I was, I want to say I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, never watched it though.

My mom bought this when I was 6 and I would use it on occasion. Slowly it became my art tool of choice as a kid. Also 99% sure you can get the same quality art from this program compared to modern photoshop lol