1 / 79
Apr 2019

When someone say that they like your comics... and then, you accidentally see their positive comments in the comment section of comics, which you think are rubbish; or maybe notice a comics, which you hate, in their library. What do you feel?
I know that it isn't my business, but it makes me a bit sad. It gives me a feeling that people don't actually like my comics, they probably just like to encourage every author they know.
Maybe I'm wrong?
I myself have a lot of comics in my library which I didn't read yet, but just plan to read. So I don't even know if I will like them or not. But from the other side, I don't make approving comments to stuff I don't like...
So what if I'm right? :thinking:

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There are 78 replies with an estimated read time of 16 minutes.

I'm a male at age 40 and I love Evil Death AND My Little Pony
You can't compare taste

...Nothing? It's just what they like. Just like someone can easily look at my library and call what I read bad, idc bc I'm the one enjoying it lol

we must respect peoples right to enjoy what they like, it's part of enjoying freedom while we still have it. (and the way things are going I am beginning to doubt Generations down the road will)

Meh. Just in general, you can't expect all your fans to have good taste. Some will follow you because they appreciate the uniqueness of your work, or the intricacy of your story, or the charm of your characters. And some will follow you because "OoH PrEtTy PICtuRE!" It's not a good or bad thing, it just is.

I mean, the alternative would be to decide who can and can't like your comic, which would be... =/

People are allowed to like different things too, you know!

Leave them alone lol if they like something you don't.. that's fine! I'm pretty sure you like stuff that they also wouldn't like. And even if it were the case that they just support every author they know... I fail to see the issue with that? I'd argue that it's a good thing for the authors involved, actually. Any support on here is good support even if it's blind lol helps your stats and all that

BTW. I don't see it as a bad thing if you have readers that only support you but not the comic. It is still support and that's a good thing. Keep all support as positive support.

Why should I feel bad? So they like two things or more. It's the same discussion as "either hip hop or metal" which too is nonsense. Sorry to be so harsh but tastes differ. I love likerish in the saltiest form. Most anglophones I met till now hate it to the guts. But who am I to say that they have bad taste. I wish the same respect from them for me liking salmiac based sweets as I respect other for not liking it. It's like comparing pears with apples ...

Hmm, well think of it like this:

Our tastes can change overtime, so what we personally think is rubbish now can appeal to us later and vice versa.

Sometimes, those tastes might even affect how we, as creators, make our stories.

All in all, it helps to have readers with different tastes. Because if you venture into different genres, like going from romance to supernatural, you want your readers to be diverse enough where you have people liking all or most of what you create.

I wouldn’t care. It’s their taste not mine. Them reading my stuff doesn’t mean I have to like what they do. Also, it’s rather pessimistic to assume they are leaving comments to do nothing but spread sunshine. It’s bettr to assume that they like what they are reading and mean what they say.

Going to my high school days I was friends with kids from a lot of different kinds of groups- from prep to metal heads. I wasn’t hanging with them to make them feel better, I hung out with thembecause they are cool people and we had something in common. It’s the same with stories, something with the stories resonates with me I’m. Gonna read it.

So there is some happy likers that just likes stuff all over without reading or care?
I will feel sad if I'm the only one not being liked by one of them happy likers.

You kinda sound like a choosing beggar right now.

Imagine someone saying in a very annoying voice:
"I have subscribers, but they have a poor taste and I feel offended that they group my awesome comic with comics that are obviously trash. Actually I don't know if I even want them, they probably support me because they just pity me."

Sounds ridiculous right?

If I get well what @tired_programmer is saying, the issue is not about accepting other people's taste, but rather what it means about her comic that people who like it AND like some other comics that she think are really bad.

I personally think it means close to nothing in relation to your comic.

There are a lot of possibilities for people to like various qualities of comics, and every reader will have their own explanation.

There may be a few readers who just have low level of expectation and comment favorably on a lot of comics.

There may be a few readers for whom it's very important to support every creator they know, regardless of quality (if these ones comment in a constructive way, even if it's all positive, they are actually valuable commenters).

There may be a few who genuinely care about these works that you find bad, because they see in it something you can't see. I'm sure you can think of a few works that are unpopular and not that great overall, but that you feel a special connection to for a very obscure reason, that is unlikely to be shared by many).

There may be a few who are simply very early in their voyage through comics. Either young people with not fully developed tastes and standards, or simply people new to webcomics. I know my tastes evolved (and refined) immensely in the first few months after starting reading webcomics, and I was 37! Imagine a 14 years old...

Plenty other reasons I can't think of, I'm sure.

honest answer ever... pppl can read whatever they want, i know i read some pretty dumb comics online but i didnt think my reading choices could offend anyone

Unless you read a wery crappy coppyright broken spinoff of my original work. Then I'll would think you are an ass.

Haha! Don't think it is a case, cause my pictures definitely aren't pretty :grinning:

I'll be the first to admit that my personal taste in comics isn't the most...refined, I guess. I do like some comics that are filled with nothing but fanservice and I absolutely love comics that get me invested in its world with all its intricacies and creativity,or the conflicts that happen within those worlds they've created. My comments may not hold much value in most readers/artists eyes, but I see nothing wrong in spreading positivity to artists who may be struggling with their attitude towards their work.

Or maybe I've missed the point entirely, I dunno. I just got back from work and I'm not quite at my best state of mind right now :sweat_smile:

So what? I've just shared my thoughts. I see nothing wrong to discuss them, until I don't offend anybody.
And I didn't say that my comics is awesome, neither that I don't want these subscribers. Don't put that on me.

But I feel deceived if people say that they like something I'm doing just because they don't want to upset me, but actually they don't like.

There is a difference, I think, between not liking at all and liking only certain aspects of it. I don't think it's likely that a lot of people who don't like at all keep commenting just to make you happy. It may happen, but I can't really see that happening on the long term.
And then we are back to the same problem: we like the negative critique more than not knowing, because the negative critique is helpful. But people are always worried about giving any, and I can understand. So yes, the feedback you get is probably skewed toward too positive compared to the actual thoughts of your readers.. But everyone has the same problem (some like it like that, some don't).
(and that remind me I still have to do this thread, like you did, to get my comic massacred :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)