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Nov 2020

So I've been working on episodes in my spare time, and I was going great--and I'm still doing the buffer section and then...

.........my files got corrupted. On the very last brush stroke when I was like "Sweet, lets put this into one layer and send it to croppy--there was a huge ass black bar on it. Just...it's a corrupted file. The only choice is to walk way.

so I did a bunch of Yoga, watched some Phasmaphobia streams on twitch to watch other people suffer instead of myself, I talked about it to family and ranted about my poor files...

I'm still UPSET because it was a huge ass episode, but I do feel a little better. But, what things do you guys do when the technology does it's thing that it...will always do...eventually (and I've since updated drivers and reset preferences and all that jazz to hopefully fix it, so we'll cross fingers that it won't happen again) What things do you like to do to relax from when your computer is being a total jackass?

  • created

    Nov '20
  • last reply

    Nov '20
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I,uh, don't. I sit there getting angrier and angrier until I figure out the issue. Probably not healthy but I'm really stubborn.

Honestly, I just cry it out and walk away! Afterwards, I'm usually good enough to figure out the problem or to accept my fate and redraw my corrupted file.

That stinks. I'm so sorry you lost your work. :purple_heart: Hoping this won't happen to you again!

I guess, even though I'd be incredibly upset, I'd probably just try to look for ways to prevent it from happening again in the future. Maybe save more often, make copies in multiple places, etc.

That's awful! I'm sorry. :broken_heart: When technology doesn't want to work with me, I personally walk away so I don't destroy my laptop lmao! xxD

The day when I left this artwork for the night:

And woke up, opened the file back up, and was greeted by this horrific sight:

I kind of wanted to cry. However it was one of those days I thanked myself for getting creative cloud. It backups the file, and I could revert it to a state where it wasn't corrupted. Although it was still very scary, and I was very mad, but mostly sad :laughing:.

If I'm loosing something I cannot save, I at least try to convince myself that I learned something from the piece, and that I could redo it. Possibly better with enough luck :smile:.

Quite some time ago I was trying to make some tunes for your comics and the damn laptop kept getting a blue screen within 10-15 minutes of me opening FL Studio, it still hurts to think about going back to those days

Oman, I get so tilted if I have to redo anything. Dying in a video game and losing progress since the last save, comptuer crashing and losing some or more progress in a file, royally messing up a recipe or wev, etc.

I have to just walk away and return later. I can't just redo it right away, it's way too frustrating.

... As an aside thank you for the reminder. It's been way too long since I backed up my computer. I need to do that tonight :cold_sweat:

Oh man technology issues are the worst. Just the other day I was making a quick video for a school project, and just as I was almost done, After Effects crashed and I lost the entire thing.

Normally when that happens, I need to step away from the computer and do something else until I get over it, but I had a deadline to meet, so I just had to sit my ass down and start the whole thing over from scratch.

For comic files, I just make sure I have my auto save and recovery settings in Photoshop set up so when something does happen, I rarely lose more than about twenty minutes of work.

When it comes to saving files, i'm quite the paranoic :sweat_smile:

If i use a tool without auto save, i save every 10 minutes and make sure to have a back up on my files.

But on the rare ocassions i lose a file or things get corrupted, i close, open again to see how much did i lost. Quickly go through the five stages of grief and if there is a deadline, i advance from the spot i ended up in.

I work in IT so... question my life choices? :grin:

In my opinion as someone who practices yoga, I've never really found it as a stress relief.
That isn't to say it's not, but most stressed out people I know have told me they tried yoga and it didn't help.

I try to find out the reason behind the issue. If it's a file corruption, I try to see if I have an old back up somewhere and try to work from that. I usually save several versions as a habit now just to prevent things like this.

I'm sorry you lost your work :cry: but try and have a habit of saving several versions :frowning:

Aw thank you everyone for your kind support for my fallen files. Luckily, I had an earlier save of them in a previous form, and I was able to whip up another final once I...basically decided to go back to a previous version of Photoshop (PS 2021 is not ready yet) and after an evening of recovery, it went way faster to finish it today. Hoorah.

@LCT_m_a_d yeah I've been just getting back into Yoga, and been doing very simple poses just for the purpose of relieving anxiety so it's gone well for me in that regard.

@Rhonder yeah I have my computer set to backup automatically to a portable drive, and my Dad was like "What if the backup drive got corrupted" and Iwas like whhhhhhhhhhat? so I think I'll be putting my backup of my backup on a digital cloud somewhere.

@ar-ninetysix that's so sad! Your laptop just didn't understand you were trying to make something nice for other people! I lost a bunch of music I wrote on musescore (yes musescore lolol one of these days I'll just hook a keyboard to my computer but until then I guess I'll type it out) when my older computer died and to this day I still miss it...

@alexandritea OMG I'm so sorry! Oh man the pits! And you're right, what we learn from doing a piece can never leave us, a computer can't delete, that at least.