25 / 31
Aug 2023

Hmmmm. This is a good question, but tough to answer.

My best guess is that my readers like the fast paced action and the unraveling mystery and want to keep reading to see what happens next, which is often unexpected.

My antihero seems strangely engaging even though you wouldn’t want to know him irl. 🤣

I like the noir/fantasy fusion a lot; it’s very fun to write.

Chosen wads: The chosen one is fake.

Penelope dreadful: Wednesday Adams but she's Ben 10.

Intellectual references. I make extensive references to older literature - not comics - in my stories. Try to, at least.

I´m talking about my current 16 page comic.
I made it for a contest. I will get a prize and it will get printed and will
be in every german comic store when I win. I will also self publish it
and sell it at my drawing courses.

My selling point is exaggerated humour + madness. Funny, crazy story, facial
expressions, poses.

Spontaneous action horror driven by a deadly outbreak and symptoms that enable unusual superpowers, inspired by states of matter and forces that affect them. (While it does follow fixed rules, characters and abilities lead to a mish mash of other sub genres: Kaiju, Infected Humans, Infected Animals, Superheroes, D&D classes, Martial Arts, Lycanthrope, Psychological Horror, Cosmic Horror, Shonen, Found Footage/FPS game inspired)

Immersive storyline, and detailed art that may foreshadow or play tricks, creating a space for theorists and re-reads. While mostly fast paced, there is a level of mystery as the MCs try to figure the pattern of the outbreak and their powers. The heroes are a double edge sword because of their 'condition', leading to unusual and sometimes unpredictable situations.
There's a warm feeling of sibling kinship, found family and reuniting with parents, amidst the intense storyline. The MCs, two brothers, are a gay-straight duo, and some of the supporting cast is tied to a gay nightclub that also plays a role in the plot

Hope to polish this 'selling points' sometime but it's a comic with a lot to offer

My selling point is also the characters. It was kind of the whole reason I made the comic, really. Years after I made my old comic, Fan Dan Go, people still recognised the characters, drew fanart of them, and I couldn't seem to get them out of my head either, so I realised I needed to do something with that cast. They're individually interesting, but also, more importantly, you can pair up any two of them and get an interesting contrast of personality traits, even though they're all young adults of a similar age in a similar scenario.

Most people who read tend to comment on the characters, whether they're outright saying "I love the characters in this", or more commonly talking about their behaviour, relationships and logic process. The characters in Errant have very bold designs that help sell the comic, and they also have bold personalities so a variety of people can latch onto one of them and go "This character is a mood." Jules in particular is one of the big selling points just because there aren't a lot of good depictions of autistic people in fiction, and everyone's hungry for an explicitly autistic character who has relatable struggles and personality flaws, but is cool, funny and sexy and has plot agency.

Maybe it's the character interactions or humor

My characters do a lot of dumb stuff and it's funny?

For Vigilante, I think it's the characters. They're funny and people like them, relate to them, and root for them. I think the MC in particular, is relatable because he's just a regular guy caught in irregular circumstances and a lot of the times he reacts like a regular guy. He doesn't swoon when the hero shows up at his house, and he doesn't take for granted the danger he's put into by knowing the hero.

For Tales From a Teenage Henchman, I think people like that the characters are dumb, lol. They're supposed to be villains, but they're not really bad people, and their shenanigans are fun to read about.

Then I have ones on WP that have a very different--a lot less funny--vibe that people like for very different reasons. Albatross is a very grounded look into loss and depression, and moving on, even with the supernatural elements thrown in. The story has romance in it, but isn't a love story, and love isn't pictured as the cure for depression. Tbh, I'm not sure why people like it and I expected to have a lot less reads on it when I wrote it, lol.

I'd say it's my exploration of themes that I quite literally haven't seen any other story explore (at least in any similar way), no matter how much I looked :'D

(Since you mentioned art, I guess my loose yet immersive style with occasional animations is also a selling point ^^; )

I'm hoping its the banter between characters. Sure, its got some tropes (its comedy/satire at least in my mind) but I am hoping the quirkiness of the characters shine through interactions, conversations, and thoughts:

"Demon King Olethros, The Dark Serpent, Second of Evil, was living up to his last title in earnest, acting like a giant number two."

I mean, it's first person POV and the MC isn't exactly entirely reliable, let alone omniscient, but who is these days?

Hoping to catch anyone who wants non-OP mecha fights without the angsty teenage drama and instead of having bwahaha bad guys in a massive war, it's lesser known who's really bad in a complicated world of fragile geopolitics.

Stick figures and the different artstyles we use for the characters from different worlds.

It's also sort of a villain of the week so people are wondering "Which Isekaier are they going to fight next?!?". So far it was a villain ripped straight from Jojo and then it was a Ghost in the Shell/Macross Plus/Elita: Battle Angel egomaniac.

We made sure to engrain that stick figure stuff into the themes so it doesn't come across as superficial or "lol random".

I like to believe the selling point of West is emotional conveyancing through the art I create? But I don't know if it actually is. It might just be pretty pictures + long haired strong man = hella good time.

Probably the characterdynamic and the backgroundart in my case. The rest is mediocre at best but that is okay. It's basically your typical "forced relationship turned into a true one"- trope. But I love drawing it so I don't really care much.

A few people mentioned being sucked in by the characters from the very beginning, which makes me really happy! It's very important in a story that's mostly slice of life.

From the feedback I've gotten, people find them equally interesting in both comedic and serious moments. It'd be worrying if none of the humor landed or if people found the heavier moments too melodramatic. The type of readers I've gotten have fun seeing the characters' antics while also having fun reading into their psyches, which is exactly what I want!

People have said that it's pretty cozy. I try to make sure that even in the more serious sections, there's lighthearted and/or heartfelt moments.

I also think my art style has gotten to the point where it's decently eye-catching, especially now that I'm able to polish my lines more.