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Feb 24

I want to know what the effects of such a thing would be

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I can't stay in a room for a day. Let alone 8 years.

In theory, I can neet. But I can't hikikomori. Even prisoners are let out 2 hours a day to get fresh air and sunshine.

They would probably die, unless they were really unusual. Insanity or some kind would hit hard before the first year was out. Look at stories of people stuck in solitary confinement.

Cloistered religious or sokushinbutsu practices happen, but not usually for 8 years. In the case of the former, they get visitors or edifying books and they are choosing to spend that time in prayer. In the latter case, they are literally going to die in that spot and the process is much faster than 8 years.

Now, if you confined me to a room with drawing supplies and internet access, I wouldn't be happy about it but I could make it work.

Vsauce did an interesting video where he isolated himself in a room for 3 days, and already showed signs of his mind changing/losing his concept of time.

Can also look at stories of people in solitary confinement and get a good idea of its effects.

There are cases where people did this to their kids. It permanently stunts their brain development. Kids who are rescued from these situations have life long trauma.

(I remember there being a TED Talk about a survivor, I will post it if I can find it)

They'd probably lose their mind (or at least do things most people would consider crazy), but to what degree depends on the person. Corrie Ten Boom was in solitary confinement for a few months I believe and she only saw the guard who brought her food, but she kept company with the ants in her cell

You'd have to ask my father, who, thanks to a lifetime of laziness and overeating, has become basically immobilized. He can (barely, and not always) make it to the bathroom and back. He lies on his bed all day, watching TV and barking orders to my mother (who is suffering from dementia).

Bitter? I'm not bitter. You're bitter.

I hope your mom is alright. I hope your dad can recover too, but I feel so bad for your mother

I once heard someone theorize the idea that a person might create some kind of reality in their mind and retreat into it, basically living their life in this daydream as a way to escape the harsh reality.

So, that's been something studied at length. And is actually a thing called sensory deprivation. There are rooms built for it that you can pay for to use. The concept is to enhance introspection, supposed to be therapeutic in many ways.

It's also a tactic used in prisons--solitary confinement. Usually only for a few days. It's not sensory-depriving, as it is JUST a room with nothing in it. You're just not allowed to do anything, but you can sing, think, and pick your nails. lol

I think longer periods of time like a month is enough to cause severe depressive disorder. Especially if it is against someone's wishes. Also, the lack of human interaction alone is enough to cause depression if you are not okay being alone extensively.

If you're really interested in answers and more researched hypotheticals, check out cognitive sciences! You'll find a lot in that area of study. See how this would actually affect someone both physiologically and psychologically.

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