3 / 11
Feb 2021

Hi there!
My question is pretty much the topic title. I'm writing a novel that is a romance/fantasy genre where basically there is an overarching mystery, who done it? kinda thing. The world is a parellel one to our own where angels, demons, shifters and vampires (although they'll be in a later book in more detail) are all commonplace amongst humans (who again, aren't majorly featured). The world is heavily reliant on a 'balance' system (i.e. ying and yang). There are 7 Angelic Pillars each with a leading Archangel that embody 7 of the heavenly virtues, whilst there are 7 Demonic Castes with 7 leading Archdemons that embody the 7 deadly sins. Demon's aren't all evil and angel's aren't all good - they're just more like jobs they have to carry out, that they literally were born/made to do with unique abilities each. The story follows Autumn, a female angel, who after being abducted and tortured a year ago is finally ready to step back into her job role in the Protection Pillar with her adoptive brothers. They are sent on a mission to Alexander Bakas, the Leo (Lion Alpha) of the North American Pack who suspects demonic possession to be the reason for an assassination attempt on his life. Without spoiling to much (as the story is still underway and subject to some changes), they realise that the assassination attempt on his life is the beginning of a much greater conspiracy aimed at the Archangels and Archdemons.
I'd love to make this into a comic, as at least in my head, I think it would look (and potentially read) a lot better. I'm broke at the moment so can't offer any monetary incentive towards a collaboration, and since I started a new job this week, I might not have as much time to write the story which isn't much of an issue at the moment as I'm a few chapters ahead anyway of my upload schedule on Tapas.
So, back to my original question, what applications do people use to draw their comics that are user friendly (and more importantly free!) for a beginner along with any tips on drawing characters? I'm using a laptop that can be turned into a tablet as the 'canvas' for any drawings that I do. I just really want to bring the characters in my head to life if possible!
Thank you in advance!!

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    Feb '21
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    Feb '21
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i've been using medibang paint pro4 and firealpaca3 for years, both totally free and very easy to navigate ui

as for resources there's lots of websites, blogs and other places you can find tutorials on drawing different things some places that i look for references are these site/blogs


if your looking for specific refs or tutorials you can always look up certain keywords in search engines or just look up speedpaints/tutorial videos on youtube but with any luck you can find help here on the forums as well

MediBang Paint is probably my free app of choice, although I've heard good things about FireAlpaca and Krita as well.

Medibang's official site has a bunch of user submitted tutorials that range from beginner techniques to some more specific stuff.

For drawing, I would suggest starting by searching for tutorials on human anatomy and starting by trying to draw people as realistic as you can. It'll give you a good foundation for the rest of your art.

i use paint tool sai for the actual drawing part of my comics, but its not for free. i recommend medibang paint by a mile - it's what i use for creating panel material and text, as well as layer filters. the only reason i don't use medibang for everything is because i'm so used to my brushes on sai, and to be honest, don't think i'll be able to recreate them. but that's just my personal brush preference. medibang is an awesome program, and comes with a lot of stuff to say that it's entirely free.

Medibang is the best free option with a ton of settings and resources specifically for comic making. I used it for years before I upgraded to Clip Studio.
Also I'm sure you already have but just in case, have you checked your laptop has pressure sensitivity since there's surprisingly many tablet style ones that aren't.

Your comic idea sounds really interesting btw, I'm definitely interested in reading it!

I personally use Krita for everything that I do. It's free and has lots of features, though the text tool has a bit of a learning curve to it. If you're looking for drawing tips, I'd definitely search around YouTube. For me, even just watching people make art and looking at how they draw can be useful, but there are also many tutorials or video specially for tips.

I can't say anything about softwares since I only use my phone to draw but for some tips, If you're a beginner, it's best if you use reference, especially for poses and stuffs. This is something I noticed after reading a lot of comics made by beginner (only on lw) and most creators don't use reference when drawing. It's not bad, but it does get tiring for the reader to see the same two angles for the whole series (only front view and side view). I remember starting drawing and not using any reference because I feel like I'm cheating :laughing::laughing: biggest mistake
Soo... Yeah. Reference! Not just for the body poses but for almost everything. Clothes, background, hair, etc.


Here is a link to sites that I've found that where Free
for me personly I use Aggie1 but I use to use Kleki to compare the two of them I'll have to say Aggie is a much better site that I have used on browser it has more options than that of Kleki and isn't too confusing

I would also like to say that Ibis Paint is free but it is an app, I am not too sure if they are able to let you draw on browser (I've tried to find a way but couldn't) the reason why I am mentioning this is because I think it is one of the best drawing apps out there ( only thing I don't like of is the ads)

I use clip studio paint to draw my comics, on an IPad with an apple pencil (I don’t know what generation they are :3). For my novel, I use Pages on my IPhone, then just copy and paste it to Tapas. (I don’t know any drawing programs that are free)
Tips for beginners? DON’T START WORKING ON A BAJILLION PROJECTS AT ONCE! (Seriously, I learned that the hard way) In other words don’t be impatient to share your stories like me. I work on 3 (thought about starting another one) comics, and one novel. One more tip. Don’t use Affinity Designer to draw, it us the WORST!

Here are the links to my comics:


(If link doesn’t work for my Webtoon comic, just search for Liayst. It should show up in Canvas)

And here’s the link to my book:

Personally I use paint tool sai to draw my comic, and Medibang for the finishing touches like (effects, sound effects tones etc) but Paint tool Sai it isn't free so I recommend either Krita, Fire Alpaca and Medibang.
Krita has a comic preset ready (although you can do it yourself if you want to) and it's easy to navigate and has a lot of features too
Fire Alpaca if I describe it is like a mix of Photoshop and paint tool sai ^^
Medibang has a lot of free assets available for use including the screen tones/ manga tones, font texts, pre made speech bubbles, a large selection of brushes and also their site: Art street has a lot of interesting tutorials for beginners ^^

Now tips for beginner:(if you are planning to make it into a comic) based on your brief summary of your story, I think it will need a lot of action so it will help study more on dynamic poses and study drawing in angled perspective (doesn't really have to be in extreme perspective all at once)-- its just so that the panels won't look too monotonous.
Also, as much as possible, finalize the character designs first before actually starting on the comic itself and also it would be helpful if you don't design overly detailed clothing/characters because you will be drawing that character repeatedly on every panel and you don't want to draw every detail repeatedly (unless of course you really want to) that's all for now ^^

I use Artflow Studio2 and Ibis Paintx to create my comics, but I don't use a laptop or a tablet to create any of my comics since I don't own any at the moment but I do use my cell phone to create them, so I don't know if you can get Artflow on laptop or computer but I do know you can get it on tablet since I did used to own one.